Friday, February 25, 2011

You're Right!

The friends who commented on this post yesterday had no problem at all identifying the correct answer:  of course, it was a typewriter!  Even more though, they really made me laugh - Miriam with her imaginative portrayal of Jeff's old-fashioned courting of me, Julie with her tale of carbon paper (just a mention of that really takes me back), etc.  What fun!

In the video from yesterday, Tobin was the one who was typing.  My dad had given the typewriter to my boys a few years back; and each of the older ones, in turn, had delighted in pushing the buttons and making the clickety-clack.  It had been a while since we had gotten it out though, but yesterday afternoon during quiet time, Tobin discovered it hiding under his bed, and he excitedly asked if we could get it out.  I said yes, AFTER quiet time.  :)

He was so funny.  Every so often, the keys would get jammed, and the Return button would get pushed, and the whole thing would bang around and make a terrible racket.  He would jump in alarm--every single time--and then after we got the jam taken care of, he would tell me that he was "cared"--his version of "scared."  But not scared enough to stop typing!
Free entertainment for all!  :)
Yesterday evening, even Shav got in on the excitement.  With the typewriter off, we didn't have to worry too much about him pinching his fingers or otherwise injuring himself.  He was having a grand time; see that look of intense concentration of his face, especially in the way he's keeping his mouth?  :)
Also in the video:  Kevin the Painter playing Uno with Josiah and David, Grandma reading Corduroy to Tobin, and Grandpa and Daddy watching everything.  Just another evening in the Fisher household.  ;-)


Homeschool on the Croft said...

Oh what wonderful family times. Blessed.

Pam said...

Those boys are sooo cute.
Loved seeing the videos.