Monday, February 14, 2011

My First Valentine

All the greeting card companies that seek to multiply their profits during this overly-commercialized holiday by creating the fanciest-decorated, most-sweetly-worded cards can't hold a candle to this:
David, still wearing his pajamas, made this and brought it to me this morning.  When he gave it to me, the dirt under his fingernails didn't matter, the fact that his pajama pants are too short wasn't an issue, the crooked scissor lines of the heart didn't bother me, even the way the last letter of "Mom" got cut off didn't make me flinch.  Only one thing was important:

I am loved.

May each of you experience simple, pure, refreshing love today!  If you don't know where to find any, may I suggest looking in Jeremiah 31:3?  That's by far the best love letter I've ever received.


Anonymous said...

What a sweet valentine's card!!

Sarah-Anne said...

happy valentine's day to you and your crew of boys!

Elizabeth said...

What a precious boy! These are the memories we want to save forever! I loved your verse :)

Happy Valentines Day Davene!

Julie said...

So sweet... I have a secrett admierrerr. I am his favorite valityne. who could it possibly be?
Twas a love-filled, mess-filled day over here!

Mrs. Pittman said...

I have a matching valentine - down to the 1/2 M at the end...) from when my (now almost 25) son was little. But mine is painted on a huge piece of wood - and it's prominently nailed to a tree in my backyard, which I can see from my living room.

And why am I just reading your blog at Late:30 and am tempted to go back many,many posts to read the beginning of your love story with your hubby?! I'm about 5 posts in and it feels like a thriller :)

Hey, don't tell the other gazillion blog readers I have ...But YOU are my favorite commenter.