Saturday, February 19, 2011

Speaking of Love #19

If you have it [love], you don't need to have anything else, and if you don't have it, it doesn't matter much what else you have.
~ Sir James M. Barrie

After I returned to the East Coast from my California trip over Christmas break, Jeff wrote this:

8 Jan 97

O my love...

You are gone and my heart cannot believe it just yet...Is it true?  O Davene, thank you so much for coming.  While cleaning the house, I've been listening to the recital tape you made me - thank you very much.  You sound great - who is the singer?  I love you!!!

Thank you for the I count the days until Valentine's.  I looked through the paper today at places in Imperial Beach - there is a lot available.  2 bedroom apartments as low as 450- and 2 bedroom condos as low as 650-  We will have to look together - maybe in February??  


I also went to the barber college...  Frank suggested his church, Shadow Mountain, in El Cajon.  It's a mega church with over a thousand people, but an orchestra, etc.  I will go just to give it a try...maybe I could take Kim with me next Sunday night they have a service at 6 pm.  Wherever you and I go to church at last, I am confident we will both like it.  :)

The songs you added to the end of the tape are all great - I think your music ability has got my taste all figured out!  :)


Well, my love, I know there were a few letters waiting left over back there from me to you, but I will still try to hurry and get this one off to you...time to buy stamps again!

O Davene, you are the greatest!  I do love thee!


On a separate sheet of paper, which was a page torn off of a page-a-day Scripture verse calendar, he wrote this:

O my Happy,

As another day passes, all my surroundings remind me of you... I love you, Davene.  You are my sunshine, my sweetheart, my best friend, my confidence, my many things - thank you.  I hope doing the invitations goes well for you today, I'll be thinking of you at work.  I am sorry you won't be getting any mail while you are in Virginia [because he was sending all his letters to my college in Pennsylvania because I would soon be returning there].

I love you, Davene!



Miriam said...

How could I forget that you have moved your blog!?!?! But I did, somehow. This morning you crossed my mind and I thought "Hey, I haven't seen anything new on her blog in a long time, I hope she's ok!!" So I went to your old blog and found that you had moved and I hadn't put your new site into my following list yet. Now you're there so I can stay in touch again :) Yay! I can't wait to go back and read what I've missed!

Margie said...

Oh, yes, the tapes we used to make! I have so many made by friends, but have so few places to play them.