Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Sometimes It's the Youngest

Was it just yesterday I mentioned something about having lots of blog-worthy moments around here?  Does sickness qualify?  

This morning dear little Shav threw up, and my hopes that our recent bout with a non-vomiting illness would protect us from the vomiting kind were dashed.  Sometimes it's the youngest who gets it first and generously passes it to the rest of the family.  I did that with chicken pox when I was three years old, sharing it with my three older siblings who were all more miserable than I during that sickness, particularly my sister who is 10 years older than me.  

In our case, it remains to be seen if our youngest one will give it to his older siblings--and to Jeff and I--but I'm not holding my breath.  I expect the next few days will be spent hunkered down and holed up in our cave, not because of the weather (unlike much of the country, we are currently enjoying a warm, sunny day!), but because of these germs.  I expect the washing machine will be running often, extra cuddles will be given, and numerous baths will be enjoyed.  After all, baths make it all better.

This morning, after Shav's first episode, I put him in the bath and thought, "I wish I could just let him play in there until this sickness has past.  After all, it's easier to clean up vomit in the bathtub than anywhere else, and it doesn't contribute to the laundry situation!"  But of course, I eventually got him out, and we went on with our day.  At the present time, he's back in the bathtub after his nap got interrupted by nausea.  How many more baths will this day hold for us?  :)
At least, he's got a buddy who wants to be a part of every bath, too.
Baths with brothers = always entertaining.  :)


Anonymous said...

oohhh no!! I hope no one else gets it and the little guy starts feeling better in no time!

Sally said...

I'm so sorry! Do not let those germs travel west to our place. That stuff really takes the spunk out of me for a couple weeks. I hope it passes quickly for Shav and that the rest of you can keep from getting sick. Don't take on any big projects, just focus on helping people get well and stay well.

Elizabeth said...

Oh man. I am so sorry to hear that you guys are having to go through that! Sweet little boy! He is still so full of smiles in the tub! You just can't turn a good bath down!

Misty said...

Sorry Davene! Vomiting sickness is the worst (at least in my opinion!) I hope Shav doesn't share!

Margie said...

Stay well! Stay well! Stay well! (Shav looks like a movie star, by the way. Even sick.)