Saturday, February 12, 2011

Speaking of Love #12

Love cannot endure indifference.  It needs to be wanted.  Like a lamp, it needs to be fed out of the oil of another's heart.
~ Henry Ward Beecher

Compared to our dating relationship, our marriage has been a piece of cake.  I knew that already; but now that I'm going back through some of Jeff's letters, I'm reminded vividly of how much of a crazy, difficult roller coaster we were on in those days.  Long-distance relationships are so challenging!  But not impossible...  ;-)

Jeff wrote...

6:15 AM
1 Sept 96

O Davene ~ 

My whole night was ruined because of myself.  I could not sleep, thinking how foolishly I've dealt with you in my last few letters.  O please, Davene, forgive me.  I let the stress and pressures of my life here vent on you.  I wish I could run to the post office and prevent the mail.  I can not.  I have written you wrongly, and dealt harshly; I feel very bad.

I received a letter from you from 27-28 August.  Its words were all so sweet and tender.  (Which just heaped hot coals on my guilty conscience!)  :(

Thank you for joining me in prayer that God make us one.  I crave this.  And I am so happy to see you write this.  I hope you will continue to pray so, even after I've been so pressuring lately.  I am delighted the Lord has been speaking to you, even in the little things.  :)

O Davene, I wish I could call you and make it up to you, I will possibly try, though I think it's futile. ~ I just tried.  I got phone mail...I wonder, will you get it?  Or one of your roommates?


As you know very well, I've got a lot of my own plank to get out of my own eye!  O Davene, you know me better than any other, and yet you have been so patient with me, long-suffered with me, and loved me.  Thank you, dear lady.  I am grateful for your demonstration of your middle name, and the Spirit that is within you...

1 comment:

Simply Bonkers! said...

Awww. It is refreshing to know that my husband and I werent the only ones to have a rough start. Like you and your hubby, we are so much better now than we were dating, or even the first couple years of our marriage.

He is great with his words, just as you are.