Monday, February 28, 2011

Before and After {the Haircut}

Despite the old adage about the shoemaker's children, Jeff is actually pretty good about keeping up with the boys' haircuts.  In our current rotation of Josiah having breakfast out with Jeff on the first Wednesday of the month, David on the second, and Tobin on the third, it has been working well to include a stop at the bank for a lollipop and a stop at the barbershop for a haircut in those special outings.  That takes care of the three oldest boys, but what about Shav?  

I'm not sure exactly how long it had been since he had a haircut, but it had been long enough ago to produce this head of hair on this boy.
With today's current hairstyles for boys, that may not seem the least bit long to you...
...but believe me, for our boys who almost always sport nicely-trimmed styles, it was quite shaggy.
There was even hair over his ears!
you!  ;-)

Time for action:  last Wednesday, Jeff took Shav with him to the barbershop and returned him looking like this...
...a little off the top...
...some off the sides...
...a neat line around the ears and neck.
The master barber did a masterful job, and the boy--who was never lacking in the handsome department--now ranks high in the neat department, too.  :)


Anonymous said...

What a cutie!! Both before and after :-)

Unknown said...

I love the new look!

Leah said...

I was gonna say, I'm rather digging the shaggy look, but I suppose I'm a product of the current styles! However, Shav is truly adorable both ways!

Sarah-Anne said...

i second lindsay's comment! def. a cutie before and after!!

New Mom said...

Oh boy, Jeff would probably have hives if he seen my boys! They both have shaggy hair :) It's even starting to give me the twitches lately! I keep thinking about whether I want to get it cut but then I think about the tedious growing out process and I change my mind. I've always been a bit different with my style :)

Your little ones shore are cute! I can't believe they hold still for the snipping!