Friday, February 18, 2011

He Acts as if...

...we (and by we, I mean, of course, Jeff)...
....cut these holes in our wall between our kitchen and living room...
...just for him.
Some days, I think...
..."What animal does David remind me of most:  a kangaroo or a monkey?"
I conclude that he's a good mixture of both...
...he LOVES to jump and he LOVES to climb.
It's a good thing we homeschool so we can do things like...
...letting David learn to read while he's standing on his head on the couch, and letting him practice math facts while running circles on our rug, and letting him read Little Bear while sitting in a window.
Josiah sometimes climbs through these windows, and Tobin likes to stand on his tiptoes to peek through and dream of the day when he's big enough to do the same, but David...well...he's the one who seems to think that  Daddy did all that hard work


Anonymous said...

Jeff did make those just for him didn't he ;-). Sammy would be right up there with him!

JFisher777 said...

I am so glad that David can learn in the home environment. I think with his character, if he was pushed into a mold, it would have the opposite effect. Some of the greatest thinkers will not fit into the cookie cut pattern of the world.

Sally said...

I just love your family, your house, your style of parenting, your homeschooling methods, just everything! God chose to give us a cautious, thoughtful little boy, and I've often wondered how I would ever handle a real zing-hopper (like maybe David is?) that I read about is typical of boys. I think you do the right things for him (or rather, let him do the right things for him!).

Pam said...

Well, I finally got your new blog address loaded on my sidebar... it makes me feel caught up yeay. That is one cute little boy perched on the ledge.
Also liked the painting... looks like Daniel in the lions Den. Is it painted by some one you know?
Thanks for the birthday wishes and visit.
Much Love,

Davene Grace said...

Hi, Pam! Yes, the painting is of Daniel in the lions' den, and it was done by my father-in-law who is now deceased but who was a professional artist. We are BLESSED to have paintings by him here in our home, and I love to look at the beautiful art he left in the world. You can see more about him here:

Thanks for asking! :)

bekahcubed said...

That looks like a PERFECT spot to do some reading.

I spent my childhood reading in strange positions--and my mom tells me she did the same when she was young. Both of us are still inveterate readers. Perhaps there's something to be said for the freedom to read in whatever posture you like!

In answer to your questions, I haven't read the Redwall series--but I had a cousin who really enjoyed them and I bought quite a few for my little brother, hoping they would encourage him out of his reading reluctance. Somehow, though, I never actually read them myself.

Caseybumpinalong said...

Love your blog! My kids like to sit in all sorts of weird positions to do their homeschooling, too. That personal "sitting window" is brilliant!

Thanks for visiting my blog. I LOVE that drive through the Shenandoah Valley. GORgeous country!

Margie said...

He's such a character! LOVE the pictures. Fabulous and memorable.