Friday, February 4, 2011

Speaking Of Love #4

Tis you alone that sweetens life, and makes one wish the wings of time were clipt.
~ John Hervey

"Wish the wings of time were clipt" - I love that poetic language!  And it's true:  because of Jeff, I wish for very long life so that we can grow old together and have many more years of sweet love.

In a letter written on May 14, 1996, back when he didn't know if we would have any years of sweet love together, he wrote these words of longing...

Every day is running into the other - I have nothing to differentiate the week days by - every day is the same:  Monday I miss you; Tuesday I miss you; Wednesday I miss you!...etc.

A little later, he included this tidbit of good news (which particularly stood out to me today because yesterday I was reading more from The Autobiography of George Mueller and was struck again by how God provided for his needs, even when he didn't tell a soul that he even had those needs!)...

That priest that wrote me about money and things has decided to send me $30.00 a month!  Wow, God does provide in strange ways - in ways I would not even think to ask.

Then, more words of longing...

You and I are in two different worlds.  As you said, "Two different kingdoms," (at the airport in regards to being a princess and me a prince).  O Happy...


Tomorrow will be a week since you left here - it already seems much longer ago.

He also included a special gift.  A gum wrapper.  Sweet, eh?  :)
While we were together in Israel that semester, we had somehow fallen into the habit of writing "secret" notes to each other in gum wrappers (I have a distinct feeling that much that we thought was secret during that time wasn't secret at all!).  :)  So when I opened that Big Red wrapper with the spicy cinnamon smell still clinging to it, I found no gum, but instead something far better:  these words.
I still love you more than any person on the face of the earth!  O my dear Happy, I will always.

1 comment:

Homeschool on the Croft said...

DAvene, I don't know what went wrong! I have missed you for so long now - first, I noticed you didn't write for a couple of days, then a whole week. And I thought, 'O well, she's got other things to do....It happens!'. Then ... weeks! And I began to worry. Was Davene ok? Were her kids well? Jeff? I prayed nothing had happened, but, life is such a rush, and I put it to the back of my mind and though, 'Oh, Anne, she's just put blogging on the back-burner'.

Fine. But today, I thought, 'I must go to Davene's blog and just right on an old post to say Hi, and to ask if she's ok'

What do I find? No sign of your blog on mine. Nowhere! And when I find you in cyberspace again, it turns out I've missed LOADS!! Loads and loads!

Well, I'm glad everythig is ok, and I'm loving - I mean l-o-v-i-n-g- these entries. This is precious beyond words.

Off to read more.
Love, Anne x