Thursday, February 10, 2011

Just Enough

It snowed a little last night.  Not enough to cover the grass, not enough to sled in, not enough to make a snowman, not even enough to eat.  But...

Just enough to nearly cover a left-over-from-fall oak leaf that ended up on the patio...

Just enough to make me think this scene from our picnic table actually looks like a small band of travelers wandering across a blindingly hot desert of white sand...

Just enough to gently place a chilly burden along the spine of this weed I photographed long ago (why is the same weed still in my flowerbed?  I'm not really sure...must talk to my gardener about that one...oh wait, we don't have a gardener...well, then, that's the answer to why the same weed still inhabits my flowerbed months later!)...

Just enough to show where Jeff's Jeep tracked as he made his early morning drive to work...

Just enough to remind me that winter isn't all bad.  ;-)


Amber said...

You must live down south? Can't remember! WE've had LOTS of that lovely white stuff up north here. It is beautiful, isn't it?

Margie said...

Oh, Davene, I love these pictures!

Mamajil said...

Love the pictures...had to laugh @ Ambers comment about you living in the south because I saw the pictures and thought "Wow, I guess that is what its like to live in the North" LOL I suppose its perspective :) Florida rarely sees snow and when we do it looks more like someone shaking out a rug out the back door ......The snow looks beautiful but I'm not a big fan of "cold" your weed is very pretty and photo~genic too....LOL

Sarah-Anne said...

how funny! we had cancellations everywhere, 2 hr. delays and all that...and it snowed even less than what you guys got. silly winter weather... :)
as always, great pics, miss photographer...

Elizabeth said...

What a delightful tidbit of a story! And the pictures are BEAUTIFUL Davene! :)

Davene Grace said...

Thank you, friends! Your comments made me smile, then laugh. Do I live in the South or in the North? :)

Well, I live in Virginia, in the beautiful Shenandoah Valley, so technically it's the South. After all, the capital of the Confederacy was in my beloved state! But compared to Florida, we're pretty far north...but not in the North...just north of Florida. That capital or lowercase "N/n" makes a big difference. :)

Melani said...

Your gardener reminds me about my housekeeper, I've named her Teresa. I keep meaning to have a word with her about the quality of her work, but, people may think I'm crazy if they hear me talking to invisible Teresa about her cleaning abilities. :)

Unknown said...

Very artistic phots, even though they are of simple stuff! Keep it up!

Davene Grace said...

Thanks, Mark! That's a high compliment, coming from you. Your photography is inspiring! :)

Homeschool on the Croft said...

I ...sigh... so often when I read your posts, Davene. I sigh looking at the photos; I sigh admiring your beautiful boys; I sigh reading the wonderful words Jeff penned all these years ago.

I don't sigh because any of these good things are missing from my life... no, no. And don't think that because some of us never did, and never will, receive letters like that, that this causes us envy in any way.

You know that I have everything I could ever have hoped for - and more. But I love to read you... and admire the beauty. Of words. Of photos. Of memories. x