Sunday, January 1, 2012

How to Begin

There is a clock on my nightstand.  It's not a traditional alarm clock, but that's why I like it.  This one gives one lovely chime at the time for which the alarm is set, and then it waits.  If not turned off, it gives another chime a few minutes later, then again waits.  The increments of time between chimes decrease until, finally, if the owner of the alarm clock doesn't respond, the chiming is constant.  I know that because I've experienced it a *few* times.  ;-)  This morning only took one chime to get me out of bed.  Can I do the same again tomorrow morning?
The other reason I like this clock is because of a change I made to it.  Along one of the sides, I taped a poem by Gunilla Norris, hoping that as I sleepily fumble for the "off" switch on the back of the clock, my fingers will brush this paper and I'll be reminded of the words on it.
What words?  These words...

First thought--as in "first light"--
let me be aware that I waken in You.
Before I even think that I am in my bed
let me think that I am in You.

Eyes crusted over, mouth dry,
my creature self feels so inert and dumb.
Let me be aware that these words
searching toward You into consciousness
are also coming from You.

You are waking me out of this sleepiness
into awareness that my life, my thoughts,
my body, my tasks, my loves, passions,
and sorrows are gifts from You,
to be discovered and received this day.

Each hour wake me further to find You.
Let me relish in You, exult in You,
play in You, be faithful in You.
Let me be wholly present
to living the gift of time.

Help me to feel that tremendous, unrelenting joy
which is Your constancy
and which will not let any of us go.
Wake me to You.

If I could retrain my mind so that my first consciousness of God comes when I first wake, rather than at some later point in the morning, maybe when taking a shower or when moving clothes from the washer to dryer or opening the book of James to review memory verses with the boys...if I could make even this small change this year, what a victory it would be!  This is my place to begin.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay way to go! I hope tomorrow is just as easy!