Sunday, January 15, 2012

Still Arising?


Not to sound overly pious or anything like that, but I am certain that it is only by God's grace and strength that I've been able to arise every day for the past 15 days when my alarm clock goes off and come down to my spot to spend time with God first thing in the morning.  I still marvel at how (relatively) easy it's been.  And here I was thinking that it would be a huge struggle for me!  I remember vividly how, as the last week of December slipped by and January 1 loomed ahead, I was very nearly dreading the accountability that my announcement of my 2012 goal would bring.  I would *have to* get up on time every morning.  How in the world could I do it??

Yet somehow I have, all thanks to Him.

I eagerly anticipate continuing this morning habit; but I'm realistic enough to know that with some major changes looming in a few months, I'll need to adjust my expectations, especially during the initial period of new-baby-in-the-house-and-EVERYTHING-is-different transition.  I'm not legalistic enough to fret over that, if my 7:00 a.m. wake-up time falls by the wayside for a while.  But for now, while this sweet girl grows and wiggles inside me, I'll enjoy the peace of my mornings with God.

Speaking of peace...  I have had some C-R-A-Z-Y dreams recently, which is not uncommon during pregnancy.  Perhaps I'll write more about them at some point.  But this morning, for example, when my alarm gave off its cheerful ding, it wakened me from a dream in which both Shav and David were drowning, and I had to rescue them, and oh, it was horrible.  I hated it.  With my heart still beating wildly and my mind racing as I tried to reassure myself that it was just a dream and all my boys were truly safe and it was time to put the fear behind me, I crept down the steps and settled onto the little couch to commune with God.  What deep, precious comfort it was to open my Bible and read Psalm 16:

"Keep me safe, O God, for in you I take have made my lot secure...because he [the Lord] is at my right hand, I will not be body also will rest secure..."

The terror that had gripped me so fiercely when I first awoke gradually receded as the words of life flooded into my soul.  How grateful I was to be hearing from the Lord first thing, rather than listening to boys discuss which cereal they were planning to eat and who needed help pouring the milk and how much time we had to get ready to leave the house for a church service and where Tobin's black shoes were and could someone please tie them for him.

Many times I've tried to convince myself that it didn't really matter when in the day I spent time with God, as long as I was having a connection with Him at some point.  But honestly, now that I've been experiencing the joy of victory in this area, I can wholeheartedly say that there's no other way I'd rather start my day.

Just like this old song says (beautifully arranged and sung by Michael Card in the video below),
"I will arise and go to Jesus.  
He will embrace me in His arms. 
In the arms of my dear Savior, 
Oh, there are ten thousand charms!"

I am LOVING the embrace of my Savior that I feel every morning.  And all I have to do to get it is...



Unknown said...

What a wonderful way to start the day! I need to do this before I start to read blogs.

Sally said...

You are challenging me! Even though I am a morning person, somehow over the years of being married to a night owl (and a very much non-morning person), I have gradually morphed and slipped. I know it would be a precious time and a huge boost if I got up early enough to read the Word before the day took off, but right now, I don't. When I get up from my nap (or rest) on the couch in the afternoon, that's when I grab my Bible and search for golden nuggets waiting just for me. Maybe some day I'll move that to the morning...but I doubt it will be any time soon.

I'm really happy to hear of your blessings and the grace God is giving you. He is faithful! (And I just need more faith!)