Saturday, January 14, 2012

Recipe Box - Smoothie 4: The New Baby

As these recipes (Smoothie 1: The Davene...Smoothie 2: The Jeff...Smoothie 3: The Josiah) that I've previously posted attest to, I'm a huge smoothie fan...but NOT the kind of smoothie you go buy at a shop and pay $5 for.  Those taste incredible, of course; but with that kind of a price tag, I'd much rather learn to make delicious smoothies at home.  

After I posted the first three smoothies, I was sort of at a loss.  Those three are the mainstay smoothies around here, but I wanted to branch out; plus, it seemed appropriate to name a smoothie that I started drinking during this pregnancy "The New Baby."  :)  So the search was on for a new smoothie.

I wanted it to have peaches in it, but that hardly narrowed down my search since there are many, MANY smoothie recipes online (I found this one at and many of them contain peaches.  I tried one recipe that included sweetened condensed milk; and while it was good, it wasn't quite what I was looking for.  I came upon another smoothie recipe that called for peaches and--get this--cashews (as well as some other stuff).  "That's different," I thought, "but I have all the ingredients for it so I'll try it."  In a word, here was our family's collective reaction to that smoothie:  YUCK.  In two words, our reaction:  NEVER AGAIN.  In seven words:  NUTS IN A SMOOTHIE?  NO THANK YOU!  :)

I kept searching.  And then I found this one--simple yet delicious, exactly what I was looking for.  Finally, The New Baby Smoothie was born into our family.

You know the other thing that makes this new smoothie the perfect one to be named after our first daughter?  It's pink.  :)
Here's what you need:
1 cup frozen peaches
1/2 cup frozen raspberries
1 cup vanilla yogurt
1 tbsp. honey
1 tbsp. wheat germ

Here's what you do:
Put everything in a blender and mix it up!  

Here's how I changed it a little:
I added ice cubes and a little milk because it was quite thick and Shav was having trouble sucking it up through his straw.  :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mouth is watering!!