Yesterday while we rode along in the van together, on our way to SVCC practice, Tobin suddenly exclaimed, "I'm so excited about going to heaven!" His statement had a ring of premonition about it, and I wondered if we would slip on the roads which were still wet from the morning's snow shower and get into a car accident and be killed. You know I'm *never* overly dramatic ;-), but I couldn't help but think that, if he died soon, I would look back on his statement with such sweet sorrow. So I was feeling a little melancholy, but then he broke the mood by blurting out, "I bet they have a swimming pool there!" :)
Then I remembered that way back in the fall, I had asked the boys what they thought would be in heaven, or what they would like to have/see in heaven. I had intended to post it but, like so many things in life, "never got around to it." Today's my chance to remedy that and record for my sons' future amusement what they said on October 18, 2011, when I asked them what they thought would be in heaven.
Josiah said:
~ a lot of human friends
~ a good supply of water parks
~ a lot of fruit
~ a winged horse, or wings on myself
~ the ability to swim underwater for 15 minutes and never get water up my nose
~ everybody naked,
~ and I want to worship Jesus, hug Jesus, hug God, hug the angels
Tobin said:
~ my Jesus book (I didn't ask him why, if we have the real Jesus with us in heaven, we would need a book about Him, too; but apparently that's what Tobin wanted to have in heaven--so sweet) :)
David's list:
~ super water slides
~ the ability to swim underwater
~ piƱatas
~ nice animals
~ nice food
~ the ability to climb up trees
~ a Batman costume I can fly in
~ be naked
Knowing my boys, I'm not too surprised by what they included on their lists, but I do have one question...
...what's up with the being naked stuff? ;-)
You can find more Tiny Talk from Mary at Not Before 7:00.
Maybe it is because Adam and Ever were naked!
hehe those books crack me up! I am not sure whats up w/ the naked.. but I hope we have clothes ;-)
Bwahaha! Naked? Lord, if we are going to be naked in Heaven, PLEASE give me a rockin' body. I know it's Heaven n' all, and it probably wouldn't matter... but it wouldn't hurt.
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