Monday, January 2, 2012

How I Know My Dad Loves Me

Remember when I posted my sad tale about the end of the chocolate raisins in my snack closet?  Not 12 hours after that, my dad showed up at my doorstep holding these:
He had gone to Red Front, a local grocery store here, to pick up our Christmas country ham; and while he was there, he looked for--and found--chocolate raisins.  "If they hadn't had them," he told me as he handed the bags to me, "I would have driven all the way across town to Costco to get some for you!"  This was two days before Christmas, and Costco would have been a ZOO.  But that's how much he loves me.
Or maybe he was just worried that his youngest granddaughter wasn't getting enough iron.  Well, Dad, problem solved.  Thanks to you, I've been doing a very good job of making sure she gets enough.  It's really all about the baby, you know.  ;-)

* I prepared most of this post last night, not knowing that today, Dad would be going to Costco and would emerge from it with one of those huge containers of chocolate raisins.  I didn't know that in the early afternoon, I would see him walking up the hill to our house, carrying a bag of tortilla chips for Jeff in one hand and the chocolate raisins for me in the other.  I didn't know it, but that's what happened, and I got another chance to feel my dad's love...and another chance to say "thank you."  :)


Anonymous said...

That is so sweet!

Miriam said...

Aww! If that doesn't make you feel special and very loved, I don't know what would :)

Elizabeth said...

I love this! There's nothing quite like a Daddy (or a Grandpa!) :)

Valerie said...

Aww! I seriously teared up reading this. What a sweet Daddy you have!

Homeschool on the Croft said...

How lovely.... lovely that he loves you so, and lovely that you appreciate it.

Unknown said...

What a wonderful thing to do! I love the new layout!

Anonymous said...

What a sweet Dad you have! Yum on the raisins!