Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Shav: Before & After (& During, Too!)

Maybe it's because I'm married to a barber.

Or maybe it's because I'm a little lazy and don't want to mess with wetting/combing/styling my boys' hair every day.

But for whatever reason, I'm crazy about closely-cropped haircuts for my sons.  I know long(ish) hairstyles are common for boys these days; but in our household, until our boys are old enough to take an interest in the matter and express a strong preference otherwise, we'll keep 'em in short hair.  That's why I start to get a tiny bit antsy when our boys start looking shaggy.

Shav was the chief offender recently; and although I think he looks absolutely adorable whether his hair is long, short, or nonexistent, I was eager for him to get a trim.  The mop look just wasn't cutting it anymore.  The hair over the ears, the puff that stuck out in the back, the general dishevelment--well, it was time for a change.  Here's a look at how he used to be...


See what I mean?  Pretty bad, right?  ;-)


Finally, on December 31, it worked out for us to go to the barbershop before Jeff headed out for the day; and finally, finally!, Shav got his haircut.  The boys LOVE to go to the barbershop, so it wasn't a fearful occasion at all for Shav.  He's a blessed boy to have a daddy who can do this...


Ah, much better!


A little later that day, I took the following pictures; and more than likely, I smiled each time I looked at Shav because I was so pleased at his neat, trim appearance.  He was a little too busy to do much smiling back, because after all, he had a lollipop to focus on.  Priorities, priorities.  :)


Yes, this is much, MUCH better!!  :)


Unknown said...

He looks so cute! I love his short hair!

Valerie said...

Crazy hair or short hair - He's just a cutie. :)

Anonymous said...

I 2nd Valerie! Total cutie!