Tuesday, January 24, 2012

There's a Joseph in Our House

Maybe I should just be grateful that he pays attention when we read the Bible.  But for some reason, I feel a little concerned that out of all the profound insights my dearly-loved David could have gotten from the account of Joseph, he seems to have only learned one lesson:

All my brothers should bow down to me.

Of course, he's much too polite to actually say that, but when night after night, I go into the bathroom and discover this...
...what am I to think?  Clearly, the owner of the blue toothbrush (that would be David) is on some sort of quest to establish dominance.
In the Bible, Joseph had dreams about things like sheaves of wheat bowing down...and the sun, moon, and stars.  But I bet if he and his brothers had had toothbrushes, Joseph might have arranged them like this.  ;-)


Sally said...

You know, if this is all the further his quest for dominance among the males of his household goes, I think you don't have much to worry about. When he is standing on a chair with a horse whip and laying stripes on the backs of whichever brothers dare not to bow down to him, well, I believe it will be time for a serious intervention.

I think this is so funny!

Davene Grace said...

These boys are rather competitive, aren't they, Sally? I'm sure you and your sisters were never like this!! ;-)

I'll be sure to hide all the horse whips before he starts getting any ideas. ;-)

Heart of Wisdom Academy said...

That's hilarioius!!

Anonymous said...

That is too cute! I love it when I find funny little things like that around the house....like when I see that my 12yo has taken his Legos and Matchbox cars into the tub with him!

Anonymous said...

LOL ohh that is great!!

Unknown said...

I hope he doesn't get sent off to Egypt.

Wonder said...

that is hilarious :). it would be interesting to hear what his version! happy day to you.

Margie said...

Hehehehee. Love this.

Mary@notbefore7 said...

Love. :)