Thursday, January 12, 2012

Winter Needs...

...a candle, to chase away the staleness of the indoors when temperatures outside make it far too cold to open the windows for some fresh air.
I don't love all vanilla candles (some scents give me a headache), but this particular one makes me very happy.  :)

Winter also needs some fresh fruit; and what better than these small, easy-to-peel, and oh-so-tasty clementines to meet the need?

Winter needs a book to read...
...something to escape with.  This particular book is one of my favorites; in fact, I've quoted from it before, years ago.  This winter, I'm enjoying it again--sometimes while sitting at the kitchen table eating a clementine and smelling my new candle!  :)

And of course, winter needs a fire... warm the body and warm the soul. Winter may not be my favorite season, but there is still much beauty and joy to be found in it.

And speaking of joy..  Those of you who are Facebook friends with me--or who have exceptionally good memories--already know that today was Tobin's birthday.  Of course, I'll do a post about that!  As a matter of fact, I started it this evening.  But after I got all the pictures loaded that I wanted to include, I realized that, if I wanted to get to bed at a decent hour so that I could get up on time in the morning, I would have to wait until another day to put words with the pictures.   Until then, this simple post will have to suffice.  :)

But let me just say this:  of all the good things about winter, Tobin's birthday might be the very best.  I'm so glad he's our winter baby!


Homeschool on the Croft said...

I *love* the winter - yes, even with our very short days, 'driech' weather, and no snow to talk of... I absolutely love it.
Long evenings, cozy nights, an excuse not to go out the door for days on end (that's my favourite!)....

Oh, and the fire.... your *real* flames are just what every home should have :)

Miriam said...

I love being cozy inside, too, in the winter. Sadly we don't have so many "too cold to go outside" days, but I still love to burn my candle on the kitchen windowsill right over my sink. There is just something cheery and warm about it!

Anonymous said...

I totally want to curl up in front of that fire and read a book!

Unknown said...

I just love saying the word cozy. Curling up with a book in warm spot is my idea of cozy.

Valerie said...

Happy Birthday Tobin! Hope you had a great birthday!

mamajil said...

Very cozy post!!!! Happy Birthday Tobin!!! :) I do like winter for about one day lol....not a fan of cold but the picture you painted of winter makes me wish for a wee bit of cold....a fire and let me say I've never read A lantern in her hand ...but I have reserved it at the library now that you introduced me to it...I am always looking for a good read :) I love candles too....the kids gave me a pumpkin spice one for christmas and it smells dessert with out the Loved your post have a blessed weekend!