Wednesday, April 13, 2011

When I'd Rather Not Hear "I Love You"

The red numbers on the clock on my dresser shine brightly.

2:34 AM.

I glance at the clock and wince, then try to figure out what awakened me.  Whose voice did I hear calling out?

Ah, there it is again.  It's Tobin.

"Mommy, I love you!" he trumpets from his bedroom.

"I love you, too," I call back--but softly, for fear of disturbing Shav's sleep in the little room off my bedroom.

Tobin doesn't hear my quiet response, so I scurry out of bed, across the hall, and to him.  "I love you, too, Tobin," and I blow him a kiss.  He settles down, and I return to bed, crawl into my warm little nest under the covers, then think about writing this blog post.  :)

I also think of two Bible verses.  First, in John 14:15, Jesus said to His disciples, "If you love me, keep my commands."  Do you think He'd mind if I changed that to, "If you love me, Tobin, be quiet and go to sleep"?  :)

The other verse I thought of, and I write this with a grin, is Proverbs 27:14, "If anyone loudly blesses their neighbor early in the morning, it will be taken as a curse."  Although I'm always grateful for the expressions of affection which come from the lips of my sons, I must admit...

...sometimes I'm more grateful than at other times.  And sometimes, sweet silence is the most loving sound of all.  ;-)


Anonymous said...

ohh man I totally wouldn't happy to hear that at that hour either!

Sally said...

Awww...I bet he had been having a really nice dream about his mommy and woke up wanting to tell her "I love you".

Anyway, being awakened at that hour is no fun no matter what wakes you up. I hope he gets all his "I love you's" spoken before bedtime tonight.

Patti said...

Simply delightful. I had a deep chuckle--the good, real sort.

Kristy said...

I literally laughed out loud at this. Hilarious!!!! What a funny, funny, little man you have!

Homeschool on the Croft said...

We were just talking about that verse in Proverbs the other day... now we know what it means!