Friday, April 15, 2011

There Are Two Kinds of Pride...

...and tonight I'm stuffed to the brim with the good kind:  the deep satisfaction and joy that come from watching my children succeed and prosper.

In this case, it was my firstborn, performing this evening in a violin recital, who caused such pride in me.  A year ago, he had his first solo recital--what fun to see his progress since then!  Tonight he played "Chorus," and several other students played it, too (and I had the privilege of accompanying them...accompanying most of the students who performed in the recital, actually).  All the "Chorus" players did well; but of course,  Josiah's version was the sweetest in my ears.
I am extraordinarily proud.


Unknown said...

I feel like I was there! How lovely to see and hear you both -- I can understand how very proud you must have been! Well done Josiah!

The Coderlambian said...

Bravo! Well done!

Sarah-Anne said...

i gotta say that i'm kinda sorta proud too. ;)
great job, handsome boy!

Leah said...

Yayy Josiah! I remember Chorus very well.
However, I'd have to say, my favorite part of the video is the look on your face at the very end. : )

Homeschool on the Croft said...

Oh my darling!

Anonymous said...

ohhh my word he did great!!!

Margie said...

Oh, Davene, this is wonderful!!!