Tuesday, April 26, 2011

For Dirtier, For Cleaner

When people found out our fourth child was joining the family only 18 months after our third, they said, if they were being encouraging, "They'll be such good friends as they grow up!"  If they weren't being encouraging, they said another set of comments entirely.  But I like to focus on the positive ones.  :)

So, good friends, eh?

Yeah, there's some truth to that.  ;-)

Whether they're "helping" me...
 ...weed a flowerbed...
 ...and getting unbelievably dirty...
 ...in the process...
...or cleaning up afterwards...
...in a morning bath...
 ...with our bubble-blowing jacuzzi machine...
 ...these two little guys are best buds.

I can't imagine Tobin without his Shav, or Shav without his Tobin.


Anonymous said...

So sweet!! Sammy would have loved to been in the dirt with them :-)

Unknown said...

What dirty fun! JDaniel would have loved to join them.

Unknown said...

Very cute.

It must be pretty dangerous weeding flower beds where you guys are though, if cycle helmets are a requirement :0)

Sally said...

Yeah, that's how I think of Paul & Hannah, being almost 16 mo. apart. I can't imagine how any child can enjoy life nearly as much as when there are 2 close together in age. I'm glad Tobin & Shav are having such a good time.

Amanda said...

My sister had her 2nd and 3rd child 16 months apart and it was A LOT of work for her in the beginning. She often said it was close to having twins...but in some ways worse since one was walking while one wasn't, etc. But if you ask her today she will tell you she wouldn't have it any other way because they are each others best friends. :) I guess God knows best!