Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Fun House

I've been thinking...

...about the role of parents in a family,
the way we are an umbrella for our children,
socialization (the big "S" word for homeschoolers...but c'mon, in almost every situation, the "how are you going to socialize your kids?" argument against homeschooling is so outdated as to be slightly ridiculous),
our desire to protect our children from the "junk" that is so prevalent in society,
our even stronger desire to prepare our children to live in and be a light in that society,
the foolishness of youth (especially when they have slumber parties), 
and the like.

You know, light frivolous thoughts.

Or not.

Each of those topics deserves its own post; but it's against the backdrop of those thoughts, that I've been remembering the wise advice to make your home the house that all the neighborhood kids want to come to...and how you should invite your kids' friends over to your house so that you not only get to know your kids' friends and see how they interact with your children, but you can also create great memories for them and pour out love on them, some of whom may not receive as much as they should in their own homes.  I've heard the sages say, "Be the cool parents--NOT in the sense of getting rid of all boundaries for your kids and their friends and letting them do whatever they want, but in the way of being involved with your children and their friends, genuinely having fun with them, opening your home to them, giving them a warm welcome and a truly interested listening ear, etc."  

When I read back over that, I think to myself, "That really applies more in the teen years, and my oldest child is only eight!"

True.  But those are the kinds of things I've been thinking about, and all of that flashed through my mind today when a new item showed up at our house.

It had four legs...
...a Rhino insignia...
...two, in fact (which reminded me so much of our good friends Aldo & Maggie in California, because Aldo's favorite animal is a rhino).
It looked like this on its top.
Here's a much more helpful clue.
Did you figure it out yet?  
Of course!  It's an air hockey table!
Air hockey just happens to be my favorite game of this sort (much preferred by me to pool or ping-pong or foosball), but we weren't planning to buy it and hadn't talked about it or anything--not even a single conversation, like "wouldn't it be nice if we had air hockey?"  Nothing.  But Jeff happened to spot a note on Facebook from an acquaintance who was moving and needed to sell their air hockey table.   He contacted them; and lo and behold, this showed up today, making some boys--and their mommy--very happy indeed.
Even Tobin got into it...
...though he needed a little help from his biggest brother.  :)
When Josiah and David played together, they were a formidable foe, especially when David had a mallet in each hand and was in charge of defense, and Josiah could use his longer arms on offense.  I played against them--and beat them--but it wasn't easy.  ;-)
It also wasn't easy to beat Jeff.  That's precisely why I DIDN'T beat him.  But I will.  One of these days.  If Jeff comes home from work tomorrow and there's no supper on the table and the house is a wreck and he wonders what's going on, I'll just say, "Oh, you know, I've been busy.  Busy practicing air hockey, that is.  Want a rematch?"  ;-)

I'm immensely grateful for Jeff showing us his love in this way.  To me, this air hockey table represents so much:  obviously, the memories that will be made as we play together as a family, the laughter we'll share around it, the opportunities for teaching good sportsmanship and sharing, the hours that the boys will be happily occupied with this game as they interact together and even get a little exercise.  But even more, it means something deeper to me.  It means that our home is a fun place to be.  It's the kind of home I'd like to grow up in.  Oh, wait, I DID grow up in this home.  ;-)   (For newer blog readers, I'll mention that when we moved back from Israel, my parents sold us this house and moved into a smaller house on the property, so I am now living in the house in which I was raised.)

My fervent hope is that, as my sons become adults and leave our nest, they'll be forever bonded--to Jeff and I, to each other, and to God.  Maybe, just maybe, the memories of time spent together around this air hockey table will be part of the strong cement that keeps our hearts together.


So I was thinking these thoughts...and I had pulled out the camera to take pictures of the air hockey table...and then I kept walking and snapping pictures, trying to capture the quiet beauty and joy of this ordinary-yet-wonderful day.

With temperatures in the low 80s...
it was a glorious day to be outside.  Josiah and David and I had taken a little trip to an abundantly-stocked and well-run greenhouse near us, and we returned with a variety of lovely plants...
 ...including marigolds.  For the first time, the boys each have a little section of the garden for their own; and after surveying the choices at the greenhouse, David declared that he wanted to plant marigolds.
So we got some.  He might branch out and include more than just marigolds; but if not, that's fine, too.  His daddy's got it covered, as far as planting other things.  :)
 While I was watching Jeff plant lettuce and broccoli, I was also admiring the neighbor's newly-cut field.
 I mean, look at those rows!   One thing is for sure, when we lived in Southern California and then in Israel, I YEARNED for such fresh, open, green, living beauty out my windows.  And now we have it in abundance.  What a gift!
I checked on the peas, and they're looking quite fine, thank you.  It appears that I'll actually get to shell some this year--oh, joy!  (That is not sarcastic, by the way.)  :)
 My tulips, although stuck in a flowerbed so weedy that it doesn't even seem like a flowerbed, still dazzle with their beautiful spring colors.
 I had never paid much attention to our English walnut trees in early blossom, but I did today, and this is what I found.  Isn't that strange-looking?!  And to think that I had never noticed it.
Jeff did some tilling...
 ...while barefoot... preparation for more planting.  Planting what, you ask?  
 Potatoes, expertly cut by these hands...
 ...hands that I love...
 ...hands that taught me how to cut towards myself, into my thumb, without causing any damage.
 Whose hands?  Well, I call her Mother...
...but this little sweetheart calls her Grandma.  Can you tell how much they love each other?

Ah, so many pictures.  So much delight.  So many memories stored up for the future.  And I didn't even mention all the other things that made this day so nearly perfect:  things like two great violin lessons for Josiah (a private lesson and a group one), my dad's first-ever game of air hockey (I beat him), the two Lego sets that Josiah and David were able to buy with their own money (helped along by Grandma Fisher who kindly sent David some birthday money), the delicious taquitos that Jeff made for our dinner, Tobin's new haircut and his excitement about his breakfast out with his daddy, a new spring tablecloth (which, even though it's plastic, elicited an excited "I really like this tablecloth!" comment from Josiah when he saw it spread on the table), Shav's giggles when he was trying to run away from me after his bath and I was chasing him on my hands and knees, the satisfaction of all the dishes being washed, a little time spent organizing school supplies and planning for next year...

Today was the kind of day that I'd like to bottle up to store for the future.

I guess that's what I just did.

Before my head hits the pillow tonight, I'll breathe an extra prayer of gratitude to God:  for my fun house, my fun family, and this very, very fun day.


Unknown said...

The table looks like something that will really bring your family and friends together to play.

Miriam said...

What a fun, relaxing, busy, peaceful day! Davene, you captured it with words and pictures perfectly! I was IN your world... and when I got to the end of the post I realized I was still just sitting here at my own table, not relaxing on the porch listening to the tiller, or boys playing (what a beautiful sound that must be!), enjoying the smell and view of the newly mown hay... :) I especially identify with the "satisfaction of all the dishes washed" part, though I can't say all mine are washed at this moment ;)

Thank you for sharing your day with us. And you're right about the socialization thing. I have never forgotten something Angela Thomas said in her conference at our church last year, something like "Our family values mean our kids can't go play at their friends house... so we let their friends come here! And we make sure their friends WANT to come here, with the well-stocked freezer full of ice pops, etc...." Even though we don't live in a neighborhood full of little kids, I too want to have a "fun" house :)

Anonymous said...

Lovely post! I could just breathe in the fun and peaceful feeling of your day as I read.

My brother and I had an air-hockey table growing up and we loved it! We don't have the space here, but I might ask my parents to get one for Peter and keep it at their house (the old one has been in their garage forever and is crumbled and broken in as a work table).

Your tulips are gorgeous! I told my husband last night that my mother said tulips don't grow well around here. He said "That's funny. My mother always grew them in our yard." Ha! That must be the difference in climate from the north side of town to the west :-)

I have an idea for a post for you. I think it is fascinating that you are living in the house you grew up in. Maybe you could write about how it looked then vs. how it is now. Just an idea!

The Coderlambian said...

Hooray! for such a grand day! Thanks for sharing it! Your enthusiasm is contagious! I think it's amazing that you are living in the house you grew up in! With grandparents next door! Wow! Perfect!

Julie said...

Wow! Thanks for sharing your fun with someone who is definitely in an "unfun" place right now. I think mine is the family that people can compare theirs to for what not to do. So fun to see the joy in your home. Praying for some here one of these days! Until then, thanks for spreading your love around!

Anonymous said...

What fun!! I know where that air hockey table came from! We had one growing up and it was SOOOO MUCH FUN!! You guys will have a blast playing! I hope you can beat Jeff soon!

Sally said...

Oh Davene, you have to know this already, but I'll remind you. Your house would be the fun house even if all your toys were corn-cob dolls and a box of blocks! It's the PEOPLE in the house who determine if it's a fun house or an un-fun house. You all are the kind of people who make others feel welcome, who lift the spirits of all around you, who, when people leave your presence, they feel encouraged, who put others first, and who just live and breathe a striving for Godliness that makes everyone know their child is safe (from wicked exposure) at your house. All the other things, like the trampoline, the air hockey, the library full of exciting books, and the toys, are just a fringe benefit.

Thanks for this post about it all. It reminds me to keep working on my attitude and my hostess skills to keep moving toward having a consistently "fun house". Not just so others will want to come, but so my own children and husband will love to be at home with me!

Blackwell said...

I'm so happy!!! You guys are going to have a blast and I'm so glad you and your boys can enjoy it!!!! YAY!!!

Sara @ Embracing Destiny said...

Ooooh, we love air hockey! My parents found a deal on a smaller air hockey table at a garage sale 2 years ago and we have such fun! Our 3 year old DD is just beginning to try to play so she and my oldest DD (9) team up against me. ;0) Our 20 month old DD just runs around the table, squealing in delight. It's loud, but fun. I have a feeling that my daughters and your sons would have a good time if they ever got to meet. We hope to also be the "fun" place where the kids gather as they get older.

DH and I first played air hockey when we were dating, so we have fond memories of that, too. Ping pong is a close second favorite, but I was never any good at foosball or pool.