Tuesday, April 26, 2011


This morning was beautiful--the kind of morning I dream about all winter long as we trudge through cold, gray days.  It was much too pretty to stay inside; and because we are SO close to finishing school, I didn't see any reason to say no to the draw of the outdoors.  We all went out and commenced to blow bubbles (which Josiah and David took great delight in chasing and popping, pretending all the while that they were enemy soldiers that needed to be destroyed) and do various other outside things.  It was splendid, magnificent, peaceful, memorable, and lots of other nice adjectives.

But I must confess that after a while, I started to get antsy and think, "OK, we've been out here a while.  I really should get busy DOING something.  If I go into the house, I'll have to take Shav with me, and he'll be disappointed.  What can I get him interested in that will make him happy if we go in?  I know he'd love it if we just stayed out here longer, but I was really hoping to finish organizing the homeschool closet today, and I've spent so much time out here already and haven't accomplished anything..."  You get the picture, I'm sure.

Boom!  Like a brick, the thought came to me that it would be the ultimate irony to put an end to our bubble-blowing, playing-outside, enjoying-life-together morning, just so I could go inside and organize my homeschool closet and maybe find a book in it that told me how I should blow bubbles and play outside and really enjoy life with my children!

Needless to say, we stayed outside.

Needless to say, my homeschool closet did not get completely organized today.

Needless to say, I'm convinced I made the right choice.

...but while they're here, I'll cherish these perfect days and store them up in my heart as deposits for the empty-nest years to come.


Another bit of irony:  I refused to join Facebook for a very, very long time, but I finally relented and am now on it.  What is the world coming to?  ;-)  I was SURE I didn't need to waste spend my time writing on walls and sharing statuses and sending friend requests; but I'll humbly, sheepishly admit that this is FUN!  It's like having my favorite people gather here in my living room for a cup of tea and a little chat before bedtime:  impossible in real life, but happening right now on FB!  :)


Unknown said...

Some days I feel like I am rushing JDaniel from fun he is content having at home to go have fun somewhere else.

Enjoying where you are is wonderful!

Unknown said...

FB ... mmmmm ... I'm loathe to get hooked! That said, I have tried and don't seem to quite 'get' it -- but then in real life I'm not so very sociable, so maybe that's the problem! Yes, we must enjoy the moments. Adam fell asleep in my arms today, and we were so happy in the rocking chair snuggled together that I stayed there ... and nothing got done in the house. But how long will he fit in my arms? Too soon I won't be able to hold him so easily!

Anonymous said...

Look at those cute boys and they grow up way to fast!! ohh facebook its a double edge sword.. its fun to connect with people from the past.. but I have remind myself to actually use it to connect and not just to catch up on whats going on with them and then not touching base :-)

Anonymous said...

Facebook! Oh, the irony! I must now officially be the last person on earth who does not *do* Facebook.

Kristen said...

Ah-ha! I *thought* you had been holding out, and then I saw you on there... It all makes sense now. I like FB because it keeps me connected with a bunch of girls I used to go to college with, and would have no way to keep in touch will all of them as well. :)