Thursday, April 21, 2011

Some People Don't Like 'Em...

...but we do.
These bright bursts of sunshine are all over our yard; and you know what?  We love 'em.
As we drive around town or through the countryside, my boys exclaim excitedly over yards that are full of dandelions...and have zero enthusiasm for yards that are barren of them.  Which leads me to the question:  who gets to decide that dandelions are weeds anyway?  We think they're beautiful flowers.  How blessed we are to have so many of them right outside our house where we can see them every day!  ;-)


Warning:  disgusting pictures ahead.  Look away now if you're squeamish.  ;-)

Some people think they're gross...
 ...these worms of ours that I discovered as I emptied some of the incredibly rich soil from our compost pile and spread it beside a row of potatoes I planted this afternoon.
But I was delighted to see them.  They are SO GOOD for the soil!  So even though they have a resemblance to my most dreaded enemy--snakes--I don't feel a bit of apprehension when I see--or touch--these squirmy fellows.  And even though I don't find these pictures the least bit attractive (and in fact, I'm surprised that I'm even posting them because I'm sure I'm going to be grossed out in the future when I stumble across this post again!), I was almost cooing when I plunged my pitchfork into the compost pile and drew out that first big clump and spotted so many of these fantastic soil-enrichers.  

Dandelions and earthworms:  just two of the many simple pleasures of life in the country during springtime.  :)


Sally said...

How do you have a compost pile without drawing critters (skunks, neighborhood dogs, etc.) to eat from it? We used to have one, but then our neighbor asked us not to because the neighborhood dogs ate from it, and it brought skunks around the houses. I would love some of that rich compost for the garden (and it goes against my grain to have to put all our slop in the garbage), but I'm not sure how to do it.

My kids love dandelions too. We have plenty of them, so I think your boys would like our yard.

Amy said...

When I see dandelions, I think of one time when I had a spring time sickness. My younger sister (Lana) went and picked me a whole bouquet of them. I thought it was very sweet.

I enjoy seeing the worms in our dirt too. But, you must be braver than me! I still won't touch them, or shreek if I do :)

Sally, I have heard of compost barrels. You put your compost in them, and they flip for the rotating. Animals should not be able to get in there. I just googled it, and there is even a site where you can build your own! Good Luck!

Unknown said...

He just made a compost box at our local children's museum on Wednesday. The worms keep tryin to escape from it. I hope they settle down soon.

Homeschool on the Croft said...

Worms are the only ground creature that don't give me the... weeby-jeebies! I know they're so good for the soil, and loads of them are a sign of good, healthy soil.

AS for the dandelions: I often ask the very same question: who decided what's weed and what's flower - some 'weeds' are so lovely.

The Coderlambian said...

Worms are good! and i also love the dandelion chain crowns and necklaces that grace my children's head and shoulders! They decorate their homemade shelters with them too!