Saturday, April 2, 2011

I Don't Know How He Does It

Returning home from a few days away always entails lots of extra work; but after I make some progress in the unpacking/laundry/cleaning department, I plan to work on a post about my birthday trip.  Meanwhile, here's just a snippet of daily life in my household...

I've taken (and posted, but mostly on my old blog) plenty of Tobin-sleeping-in-funny-positions pictures, but every time I spot him snoozing in some crazy situation, I...
 ...grab my camera, tiptoe close to him, and take a picture.  Or, more commonly, pictureS.

And then I think, "How does he do it?  I'm pretty sure that, no matter how tired I might be, I wouldn't be able to conk out so soundly WITH A BOOK ON MY FACE!!"  ;-)


Unknown said...

How wonderful to fall asleep reading a good book!

Homeschool on the Croft said...

That is adorably cute. x

Anonymous said...

sooo cute!! Yay for birthday trips!

Marie said...

Oh my goodness Davene,
Tobin is so precious. I just love the thumb!! I am so glad you graved your camera because these pictures are priceless.

HAPPPY BIRTHDAY beautiful friend. You are somebody I have come to love and cherish and also learn so much from. I am so blessed by your life on this earth.
Also excited to hear about your birthday!!

~ Marie

Sarah-Anne said...

ha, i'm with you; the book on my face CAN'T be comfy. ;)