Friday, April 15, 2011

We're Still Playing with Our Food

Two months ago, I wrote about our casual lunchtimes and our tendency to play with our food, giving, in that post, some examples of the boys' creativity at work as they designed faces out of their food.  

Today, I'm happy to announce that not only do we play with our food, we also LEARN from it.  Case in point:  spelling lesson.

What does this spell?
TAG, of course!  T - tomatoes, A - apple chips, G - grapes.  Duh!  ;-)

This one?
GAS (which elicited a chuckle from the 8-and-under crowd around my kitchen table).  G - gum (David's previously chewed gum, to be exact), A - apple chips, S - summer sausage.

Another one?
GAS again!  G - grapes, A - apple chips, S - summer sausage.

You should be getting the hang of this by now.  Got this one figured out?
GAS (apparently there was a lot of gas in our kitchen on this day).  G - Goldfish, A - apple chips, S - summer sausage.

Ready for the last one?
GAG.  It's a good thing we stopped with this one, because clearly we were going downhill fast.  G - grapes, A - apple chips (they were our only vowel, so they got used a lot!), G - Goldfish.

Just so you know, I'm fairly certain I had very little to do with this.  The boys took this one and ran with it, and I sat back and watched.

Oh, and laughed.  And took pictures.  ;-)


Homeschool on the Croft said...

Praise God for kids to make us laugh!

Unknown said...

This made me laugh. The sausage would give me gas.

Marie said...

This is so so funny Davene! Sure sounds like the words boys would like to spell too LOL!

~ Marie

The Coderlambian said...

Sounds like a lively lunch! I am new to your blog - having a great time reading thru your posts! Good job capturing life!

Elizabeth said...

Love this!

Sally said...

I'm impressed that you can make lunchtime a fun time, and take the time to play with food. Boy, it seems like I can't get people to just do their eating so we can be done and get the wash hung out, or whatever is needing done. Maybe I need to take lessons from you. Something!