Saturday, February 25, 2012

Puzzlers in the Morning

David and Tobin were the first two boys awake this morning; and as I sat on the couch for my quiet time with God and admired the unexpected skiff of snow outside the window, I watched them working together--peacefully, for the most part--on a puzzle.
David, of course, was doing the majority of the work; but Tobin could turn over pieces and lay them out flat in a single layer.  He also found pieces that had pictures of hot air balloons on them, per David's request.
Since these two are still the Sandpaper Boys more than any other combo of boys in our family, it was a delight to see them interact with calmness and respect.  
It was also a delight to see their little piggies sticking out from the bottoms of their pajamas.  
Little feet are adorable.  :)
I know that, as they mature, they'll leave the Sandpaper Boy stage behind; but sometimes the process of growing up and out of that phase seems to stretch on interminably.  Mornings like this one give me a glimpse into the future of David and Tobin's relationship:  a more peaceful, loving, respectful future.  It sure looks good.  :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So sweet!!Love the picture of David's feet on the chair! This inspired me! I am going to get a tougher puzzle out for Sammy today and work with him :-)