"Am I always a little melancholy on Wednesday evenings?" I asked Jeff tonight. I don't think he knew quite what to say to that; maybe it falls in the category of Questions a Wife Should Never Ask Her Husband, right up there with, "Does this outfit make me look fat?" ;-) But I wasn't trying to trick him--honest!--so I didn't force a long-winded answer from him, but instead sat in my favorite rocking chair and silently contemplated it further.
Truth is, I think I do sometimes feel a little down on Wednesday nights. I suppose that's because Thursday is coming, the day of the week when Jeff has to leave really early for work, and the boys don't see him in the mornings. That makes Thursdays seem very long; and after Thursday comes Friday and then Saturday, of course--both days in which Jeff works. The work-on-Monday-and-Tuesday-and-then-have-Wednesday-off routine spoils us for the rest of the week when Jeff has to work for three days straight! ;-)
The other thing playing into all of this is that I always have such high expectations for what I'm going to accomplish on Wednesdays. This morning, for example, Jeff took all the boys to the dentist (Shav didn't have an appointment, but Jeff kindly took him along anyway, so I could have the house to myself), and I just knew I was going to get so much done here in the peace and quiet! ;-) Well, no surprise to anyone but myself, I didn't accomplish nearly as much as I was hoping. And then the rest of the day--as always--got busy with violin lessons and other activities. It's no wonder that Wednesday evenings roll around; and when I see my to-do list almost as long as when the day started, I'm a little discouraged.
However, rather than continuing to sit in my rocking chair and feel down, I decided to do something to be productive and make myself feel better: plan! :) I pulled out my homeschool planner and got the calendar down off the wall and whipped out my pen, ready to mark upcoming events and projects. So even though I didn't actually accomplish a whole lot more tonight after my question to Jeff, I convinced myself that it will get accomplished--and made myself believe that I'm really on top of life more now than I was earlier today--and then I felt better. ;-)
There's one more thing I did to console myself. I realized that I was actually feeling pressured by my original plan (mentioned in this post) to organize the upstairs of the house in the month of January, organize the middle level in February, and the lower level in March. Here I was in the last day of February, not even close to finishing the middle level! When I finally figured out that my lack of completion in that area was weighing more heavily on me than it should, I made a simple adjustment to my plan and told myself that I can really use the month of March for the middle level, too, because I don't have to get the downstairs in good shape until April 18 when Jeff's mom arrives to stay with us after the baby is born. The other rooms on that level are fine...well, let me rephrase that...the cellar and the laundry room are fine...the garage is not, but I'm not exercising dominion over that sphere right now, so I don't care a bit. ;-) Even if April 17 rolls around, and we have to do a mad stash-and-dash in the lower level so Jeff's mom can stay comfortably in our guest room/library, we can pull that off--no problem! So, according to my new plan, January was for the upper level, February AND MARCH for the middle, and April for the bottom. See? It's all working out beautifully! ;-)
Before I post my Facebook statuses for the month (so that when this is printed as a book, I'll have a record of the tidbits I jotted down there), I'll throw in some random pictures from the past few days. The first one was what I saw one day as I was standing upstairs and looking down into the kitchen (on the right) and the living room (on the left). How wonderful to glance down the steps and see three of my boys busy with books! I love raising bookworms. :)
One time as I was folding and putting away laundry, Tobin and David were pretending to sleep in my bed. Knowing the challenges they've had in the past with rubbing each other the wrong way, I am particularly grateful for their increasing times of peace and harmony together. :)
Josiah and David continue to spend time working on puzzles, and David especially has gotten quite good at them. I've discovered that the dollar store is a great place to find new ones! :)
OK, take it away, Facebook! It's your turn now...
Feb. 1 - If I wasn't expecting a baby in a couple of months, I would have been begging Jeff for one of these puppies! The only pet I've ever wanted is a collie...sigh... But now all the puppies are sold. That's OK. I'd rather have a baby any day. :)
Feb. 2- Josiah this morning: "I wish I could have an ostrich." "Why?" I asked. "So I could ride it, of course!" he exclaimed. He didn't SAY "duh," but it was strongly implied. Except for maybe five seconds when I was watching The Swiss Family Robinson years ago, I don't think I've ever wanted to have--much less, ride--an ostrich. It just goes to show how differently his brain works than mine, I suppose! :)
Feb. 3 - Before Jeff left for work this morning, he made bacon and eggs for our breakfast. At one point, all the boys had finished eating and were upstairs playing in Josiah and David's room; and it was just Jeff and I together at the table. It almost felt like a date! :) I'm grateful for unplanned times like these--an unexpectedly good way to start the day. :)
Feb. 3 - This little girl is like an earthquake in my insides! She's been doing convulsions on my right side this morning; and when she gets moving, I feel like my whole body lurches in response to her. Josiah and David were each standing on one side of me this morning as we reviewed James chapter 1 which we're memorizing this year. They put their hands on my huge tummy and were both able to feel their baby sister. When she moved, their big eyes and shining smiles were delightful to see. :)
Feb. 5 - Tobin, at breakfast this morning: "I'm so tired I could eat a reindeer!" It never ceases to amuse me, how he tries to use the expressions he hears others use, but unwittingly mixes them all up. ;-)
Feb. 6 - Shav's newest favorite phrase: "Mommy," spoken in the most pleading voice, "I NEED you!" The first few times he said that to me, I melted. The melting effect is getting less and less pronounced, however, as he uses (abuses?) it more and more. Even a two-year-old knows how to manipulate. Or maybe I should say *especially* a two-year-old knows how to manipulate!! ;-)
Feb. 10 - Shav, when I got him out of his crib after his nap: "I need you!" Me: "Who taught you to say, 'I need you," like that?" Shav: "Jesus!" Me, incredulously: "Jesus???" Shav, jubilantly: "Yeah!!" His happy smile brightened my own face tremendously. Little cutie pie. ;-)
Feb. 13 - David's question to me this evening: "You know how, after you run a while at super-sonic speed, your throat starts to feel itchy and spicy?" My thoughts: "Well...um...no, I can't exactly identify with that feeling. Maybe because it's been a while since I've run at super-sonic speeds. But you keep talking, David Dear, because I want to hear what goes on in that sweet head of yours!" ;-)
Feb. 14 - "This is true joy in life, the being used up for a purpose recognized by yourself as a mighty one; the being a force of nature instead of a feverish, selfish little clod of ailments and grievances complaining that the world will not devote itself to making you happy." - George Bernard Shaw, quoted in Crazy Love by Francis Chan - I still have my moments of being a "selfish little clod," but I do want to be used up for a mighty purpose - right now, that "mighty purpose" seems to be potty-training Shav - mighty, indeed ;-)
Feb. 15 - My big project for the evening: email reduction. I got it from 367 down to 290...woohoo! Now please don't send me an email to congratulate me. ;-) Seriously, WHEN will I ever figure out how to stay on top of emails, rather than letting them pile up???
Feb. 16 - From the cries of despair coming from him, you would have thought Shav's heart was absolutely broken. He had woken early, heard Jeff leaving for work in the Jeep, and stood watching him from the window of his room. Shav pronounces "daddy" as "daggy," and over and over he called, "Daggy! Daggy! Daggy! Daggy!" Even though it was 6:30, a full half-hour before I wanted to get up, I couldn't be too upset as his pathetic cries aroused my sympathy, and I went to him to comfort him. The boy loves his "daggy," that's for sure. :)
Feb. 17 - I took a nap this afternoon and slept deeply. I also had a dream in which I gave birth--to a baby girl--but she was very premature and obviously had major health problems; it was a bit bewildering, trying to know how to help her. When I woke up, I discovered that I'm still pregnant. Boy, am I ever glad of that!!! :)
Feb. 17 - Before we eat supper, we sing a song together: a short-n-sweet Sunday school type of song. Always-popular favorites are Joshua Fought the Battle of Jericho and I've Got a River of Life. Tonight Jeff said that David could choose the song, and I had to laugh when David said, "Is Ring Around the Rosie available?" :) No, my dear boy, it most certainly is not. Even at my most creative, I can't come up with any way to spiritualize that song! :)
Feb. 20 - I realize, of course, that Isaiah wasn't *exactly* thinking of homeschooling when he penned these words (in 54:13): "All your sons will be taught by the Lord, and great will be your children's peace." But as a homeschooling mom who sometimes worries about the gaps in my children's education, it IS reassuring to remember that ultimately, God is the one in charge of our lesson plans...and sometimes He interrupts the lessons I'm trying to teach in history and grammar and multiplication, so that He can teach something far more important in character and life skills! :)
Feb. 21 - Tonight in his bedtime prayer, Shav said, "Thank You, God, for Mommy's thumb (while touching my right thumb)...and Mommy's thumb (he reached for my left thumb)...and these fingers (touching all the fingers of my hand)." I never know what he's going to come up with in his prayers, but you know, it's really good for me. After all, it's been quite a while since I specifically thanked God for my thumbs; and I don't want to take any part of this body God gave me for granted. "A little child will lead them"...and Shav does. :)
Feb. 22 - The best part of my trip to town this morning (besides hearing my baby's heartbeat and having Melody, the midwife, say she thinks she's head-down) was standing in the greeting card aisle of Walmart and having an older lady come up to me to say, "You have the nicest smile!" It's amazing how encouraging a simple compliment can be. :) I want to grow in my ability to reach out and speak encouragement to complete strangers--as well as friends--in that way.
Feb. 23 - Read something interesting today: "Our public schools spend a fortune on each student. According to a May 2011 U.S. Census Bureau report, it costs (on average) $10,499 per student, per year to put a child through public school. If those figures were to remain steady during a child's twelve-year journey through public school (excluding kindergarten), a whopping $125,988 would be spent on each child's public education. Think about that: for the average family with two children, a quarter of a million dollars is being spent to put those kids through school." (from an article in Home School Enrichment magazine) My goodness! For all the money I've saving the system by not having my children in public school, don't you think the government ought to at least send me a thank-you card...and maybe a box of chocolates??? ;-)
Feb. 24 - What made me smile tonight: Shav, standing on a stool by the bathroom sink, "brushing" his teeth until I came to help him finish up...and Josiah brushing his teeth at the same time. Josiah has this routine where he walks diagonally through the bathroom a certain number of times while brushing, stopping occasionally to spit in the sink. Tonight, every time Josiah spit, Shav said admiringly, "WOW!" And then, every time, Shav tried to spit as loudly and forcefully as Josiah had just done. I suppose to his two-year-old mind, Josiah's spitting ability is quite impressive. :)
Feb. 25 - One of Shav's recent cute habits is coming up to me, snapping his teeth together, telling me that he just ate me, then informing me that our new baby is in HIS tummy now. When I ask when she is coming out, he always says matter-of-factly, "A few minutes!" If only it really were that quick and easy to birth a baby! ;-)
Feb. 27 - Windows open on February 27? Yes, please! :) Although I'm frankly disappointed in our lack of snow this winter, I have to admit that spring-like days like this one help to ease the disappointment. ;-)
Feb. 27 - This can go down in history as the first article from Runner's World that I've EVER read. Although I have dreams of someday completing a couch-to-5K program, I'm a LONG way from that now and (currently) can barely hobble around my living room because of this heavy uterus pressing on some nerve in my lower back. HOWEVER, the title of this article grabbed my attention immediately, and I couldn't resist reading it...in part, to find out the answer to the first question that popped in my head upon seeing it, "DO the Amish run?" Well, I learned something new tonight: they do. Fascinating article! :)
Feb. 27 - Tonight as I was helping Tobin get ready for bed, I mentioned to him that my back is hurting...which isn't unusual these days, given the advanced stage of this pregnancy. He very kindly wanted to pray for my back, and I smiled when he said, "Thank You, God, for Mommy's back feeling better." Ah, yes, pray in faith! And then after we finished praying, he got a very serious look on his face and said to me, "I'm sure it will feel better in May." Yes, my dear boy, I'm sure it will, too, since that will be a month after Baby Girl is born. But tell me, Tobin Bear, where did you get your wisdom?? :)
Feb. 29 - "They who would grow in grace, must love the habitation of God's house. It is those that are planted in the courts of the Lord who shall flourish, and not those that are occasionally there." - John Angell James