Tuesday, October 1, 2013

After Her Nap

I know I've been posting a lot of these little home movies recently, and maybe everyone is tired of them.

But I'm not.  :)

I'm posting one again tonight because I wanted to blog about something, but the time I had set aside for blogging has been eaten up (delightfully so) by the work I'm doing to get the daily jokes up and running on David's blog.  So, rather than staying up frightfully late to write the original post I had in mind, I'm substituting a short video instead.

Very often when I go into Moriah's room to get her up after a nap, she'll hold something up for me to look at or have.  For example, she might hold up her favorite doll, and I'll gently take it from her, give it a hug and kiss, then give it back to Moriah for her to hug it.  Or she might grab a book she's been looking at, then hand it to me so I can turn the pages and tell her what the pictured items are; she usually taps the pages with a finger, just like I do when I'm identifying an item.  :)

But on this particular day, Moriah was a little distracted by the camera, so she didn't give me anything.  I didn't mind.  I just wanted to look at her and notice - really notice - what she's like at this fleeting stage of her dear little life.
Mission accomplished.  :)

1 comment:

Margie said...

Davene, I just got caught up, savoring your pictures and stories. I LOVED all the pics of Six Flags (praise God for his provision!), and of the boys' progress. (And I, too, say, "It's okay!" about the reading. I know we know it's true, even though we still sometimes fret. A little.) You are a JOY. I'm so very glad you share your stories here; they are edifying and uplifting. Much love to you, friend!