Tuesday, April 3, 2012

They Bring Me Flowers

Early on in my relationship with Jeff, the song "You Don't Bring Me Flowers" by Neil Diamond was meaningful to us.  I'm not exactly sure why, because the fact is that Jeff did bring me flowers.  Often.  When we were students in Israel, he brought me wildflowers, plucked from the springtime hills of Galilee.  As newlyweds living in gorgeous southern California, he bought flowers for me from a street vendor on Orange Avenue in beautiful Coronado.  And when we returned to live in Israel, this time with a son, he would walk through the park near our house and purchase lovely blooms from the flower market that was regularly set up there.  Maybe the special part of hearing "You Don't Bring Me Flowers" was in thinking, "I am so glad Jeff isn't like THAT guy!"  ;-)

These days, Jeff isn't the only man who brings me flowers.  As a matter of fact, he has quite a bit of competition in that department.  For example, Josiah walks outside our house, finds huge patches of this flower (some might call it a weed) in our yard...
...and brings me a tiny bouquet to put in the little glass vase we always use for such things.
Tobin regularly plucks dandelions (they're his favorite color!) and gives them to me; and for a day, they get the spot of honor in the vase before drooping their heads and being thrown into the compost pile.
These weeds--which I dignify by referring to as wildflowers--cost nothing.  But the love they express?  It's priceless.  :)


Sally said...

So sweet! I'm seeing it doesn't take a little girl for a mommy to get bouquets full of love (and flowers) in her house.

Anonymous said...

So sweet!! Sammy loves to pick "flowers" for me too :-) Such sweet boys you have!

Homeschool on the Croft said...

So precious :)

Oh.... LOVE your new header.... the wee shoes!!! Oh my.

mamajil said...

I love wild flowers picked by my kids!!!! so so precious!! and your new header is so pretty!!! LOVE it!!! PS. Around here the little girls bring bouquets too!!!

Unknown said...

I love getting dandelions too.

busymomof10 said...

Beautiful post! Those flowers represent so much love! It truly is priceless.

I somehow missed your move! Glad to find you again. I LOVE your new blog! It is awesome!

I am also at a new URL:


Stop by for a visit!

Lisa said...

Isn't it so sweet! I've got the same...little vases and cups full of wildflowers, weeds, and even plants with the roots still attached. It's the thought that means so much...when they come in from playing I always hear, "mommy we picked some flowers for you."

Sarah-Anne said...

some of the kids i babysit brought me some weeds and were so proud to present them to me! :)

Margie said...

Sarah does, too! And she insists I put them in water. (Which I do.) Weedy flowers are often the most colorful. I usually get a few every day, and love them.