Thursday, April 12, 2012

Moriah, Today

Bringing home a new baby is essentially bringing home a mystery.

Who is this little person?  What does she like?  What makes her cry?  What soothes her?  What is she thinking?  Feeling?  Seeing?  Who will she turn out to be?

In her three days of life on the outside, Moriah has taught me a few things:
1. She doesn't like to be cold.
2. Changing her diaper is a sure way to get her to pee and poop, right at the moment when she can make the greatest mess.  (At least she doesn't shoot a geyser like my boys used to do!)  ;-)
3. Her absolute favorite place to be is held on someone's chest.

Since she's my fifth child and I realize firsthand how quickly these newborn days slip away, I'm treasuring my times of lying down with her, snuggling her like a little koala, and falling asleep together.  But I'm also grateful that last night, for instance, she slept peacefully for a two-hour stretch in her own bed, and then, after a feeding, slept there again for another hour.

Most of all, I'm so grateful that she's here and that God chose her to be in our family.  I'm not worthy to be so blessed.

I love you, sweet daughter of mine!


Caroline said...

Davene, forgive me that I covet your little girl. There are many, many circumstances that have lead me to be the mother of an only child. I love my son and would not trade him for anything in this world, but the way you write about sweet Moriah brings a sting of tears to my eyes that I will never know a daughter. God has indeed blessed you, my friend.

Miriam said...

Davene, I think you and I must be kindrid spirits in some way. So many times, you put into words exactly how my heart feels about being a mother. This post is no exception. Your sweet daughter is truly a gift from God to your heart and arms.

Unknown said...

I love that she sleeps!

Kristy said...

Oh little girls have a sweetness all their own. SO happy God has given you this amazing gift. Seeing that last pic makes me want to run my finger over that soft, velvety palm. MMMMM...Delish!

Valerie said...

Blessed indeed. With 5 amazing children. Sometimes it seems the heart could burst from loving someone so much, doesn't it?

Anonymous said...

She is beautiful!! Who do you think she looks the most like as a baby?

Marie said...

Oh my goodness she is so so beautiful Davene!!!
Congratulations dear friend I am so delighted for you :)

Davene Grace said...

Thank you so much, friends!

Caroline - thank you especially for sharing from your heart. I wish I could reach across the miles and give you a big hug right now.

Lindsay - I'm having a hard time telling who she looks like! To me, she looks like Moriah, with her own special look! ;-) But if I got out everybody's baby pictures, I might be able to tell more accurately. :)