Saturday, April 7, 2012

Let Me Not Forget

Here on this 7th day of April in the year 2012, let me not forget what happened on a spring day roughly 2,000 years ago.

Here in this beautiful corner of the world called the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, let me not forget what happened in that most beloved of cities, Jerusalem.

Here in my life, as nearly every other thought centers around the tiny one within me, the 40-week mark we reached today, and the birth that must be coming soon, let me not forget that an event of far, FAR greater importance occurred long ago and far away; but its repercussions altered the entire course of human history for all of eternity.

Let me not forget!  Let me not become so self-absorbed that I miss the remembrance that could be--and should be--mine during this Easter season.

Having grown up in a Christian family in which church participation was a vital, normal part of the rhythm of our days, I realize that familiarity with the writings of the Bible and the events of Jesus' life can lead to the dangerous ground of complacency.  How many Easters have I celebrated?  How can I recapture the awe at the magnitude of Jesus' sacrifice for me and the miracle of the resurrection?  How can I keep the significance fresh in my mind and heart?

One thing that helped this year was the following video, which was shown during our church service last Sunday.  As the Twitter-length blurbs appeared on the screen, they brought to my mind the longer texts from the Bible; and I was grateful for the new way of seeing those long-ago, oh-so-familiar events.  What really gripped my heart however?  Seeing the number of followers in its ascent, then descent, then ascent again.  May I be a faithful follower of Him, FOREVER.

May this Easter bring moments of new insight and heart-stopping gratitude to you, my dear readers, and to myself.  Let us not forget that...

...Christ is risen!!!!!


Emily said...

That video was really neat! Thanks for sharing. We celebrated Passover last night. That always makes Easter so meaningful for me. I love the rich parallels of Jesus fulfilling the Passover. its so rich.

Unknown said...

What a wonderful video!

Anonymous said...

What a great video! This Easter has really touched me.. something I haven't really processed through yet.. but it seemed to sink down deeper than it ever has.. What a gift God gave us.. Grace what a beautiful thing!