Sunday, April 29, 2012

Something Old, Something New

It is so much fun to dress a little girl!  Other moms of girls had told me it would be this way; and you know, they're right!  I feel like I'm playing with dolls again when I get to dress my daughter in her finery.  :)

Today Moriah got to wear some special clothes to our church service, and I had to take some pictures.  Not that the pictures I took can capture all her cuteness...  :)
One of the pretty items was a cuddly pink sweater that Grandma Fisher brought for Moriah.  It was made by a lady in her home church in California, and it is so soft--the white trim especially.  Plus, the adorable little kitty cat buttons on it add to the charm.  I was glad it was a little cool this morning so that Moriah got to wear this. :)

Moriah's dress is one that I used to put on my all-time favorite doll, Peaches.  She is an old ceramic doll with cracks in the finish of her face and hands, but I loved her.  Still do, in fact.
I'm not sure where the dress came from, but I do vividly remember using it for Peaches.  And now, to put it on my own real live "doll" is an amazing feeling.

Even Moriah's feet got covered in a special way today, with tights from her Aunt Kim.  The tiny shoes printed on them are just the icing on the cake.

Tonight I'm grateful for the gift of a daughter...and for the reassurance that sometimes, dreams really do come true!  :)


Valerie said...

Adorable :)

Sally said...

You are amazingly patient to take the time to dress her up so! I love it.