Saturday, October 22, 2011

When I Was a Child... brother David and I took turns giving each other rides in a cart.  It's likely that it was the very same cart shown in these videos (taken a few weeks ago, by the way - when our weather was warmer than it is now).  The more things change...
...the more they stay the same.
Like the simple joy of riding through gorgeous fall days, in a cart, pushed by brothers.


Sally said...

Oh, this is great! The background noises are so tell-tale of our neck of the woods. The constant sound of the crickets, and then in the first video, I could hear the clip-clop of horse's hooves toward the end. Something also sounded like a dryer buzzer going off in both the first and second videos. Those are just observations, certainly not the main (or best!) part of the clips.

We had a cart like that when my younger siblings were about that size (Katie, Luke & Glen). They had some fun with it, but it's main purpose was to haul buckets of milk to feed the calves. Our cart said "ox-cart" on the side. It came that way from the manufacturer.

Your boys are certainly blessed to have that "toy" and live in a place they can enjoy it.

Davene Grace said...

Sally - it was so interesting that you noticed the noises! I had thought about the horse hooves, but had not picked up on the crickets. When I went back and listened again, sure enough, there they were! I love the sound of crickets, even though they used to drive my dad crazy if one got into the house and made that constant chirping!

What sounded like a dryer buzzer is actually the sound of the camera zooming in or out. Our old camera, which I used to use all the time until a generous friend blessed me with a Canon Rebel, had a feature to take videos, so that's what I use for these little movies. And unfortunately, the zoom is noisy, and that shows up in the video clips. But listening to it again makes me realize that yes, it does sound like a dryer buzzer! :)