Tuesday, October 25, 2011

In the Circle of Life, There Is Sadness

Our phone rang about 7:30 this morning.  It was the neighbor.  "There's a black dog lying by the road; is it yours?"

It was.  Jasper, so intent on winning his freedom that he failed to recognize the danger, had once again slipped out of the pasture and, this time, had apparently gone into the road, getting hit by a car at some point during the night.  When Jeff went out to get him, he was already dead; and Jeff had the unpleasant task of carrying him home, then informing our boys about the accident.  Can you sense the weight of sorrow in this picture?
We got Jasper when he was just a puppy; and for over three years, he's been part of our world.  It's hard to say farewell; but with soberness, I'm reminded today that for all the joyful parts of the circle of life--like cute little puppies--there are sad parts, too--like saying goodbye to our handsome Jasper.


Sara @ Embracing Destiny said...

So sorry about your dog. I'm sure he will be missed.

Our dog was struck and killed by a car almost three years ago now so I understand. Our oldest daughter still gets teary when we talk about her.

Anonymous said...

ohh no!! So sorry to hear this! How are the boys doing? I hope okay!

Unknown said...

I am so sorry! What a tragedy!

Valerie said...

Oh, such a sad way to wake up! Praying for your family. I can only imagine how your boys are feeling. :(

Sally said...

I'm sorry. This is not the way saying goodbye to a pet should be. I hope your children can move on after a while and be richer for the experience.

Homeschool on the Croft said...

I dread this day - however it actually comes about... but it's really tough if it's an accident like this :(