Thursday, October 20, 2011

Tobin's Room: Before & After

This blog post is lovingly and gratefully dedicated to my friend Sally, without whom it would not have been possible.  :)  You see, Sally had been asking me for some time if she could keep the boys for me to give me some extra time to do whatever I wanted with it.  Today was the day, and I was looking forward to having time by myself to accomplish something.  With so many projects on my want-to-do list, what should I choose?  Tobin's room.

Here, in chronological order, is how my day went, showing how the project fared:

After I picked up the boys and heard all about what a WONDERFUL time they had at Sally's (Tobin kept asking, "When do we go there again?"), I brought them home, get them settled for naps and quiet time, then resumed my work.  Five hours after I started the project, it was finished.  Hooray for beginning and ending a project in the same day!  Hooray for friends who give the gift of time!  :)

After I was done, I tiptoed down to the library to check on Tobin, who was having his quiet time down there "for special," instead of in his room like normal.  This is what I found:

He's not the only one of my boys to fall asleep on this old brown chair.  :)

Thank you so much, Sally, for blessing me by giving me time, providing such a fun morning for my boys, and even feeding them lunch.  I'm grateful from the bottom of my heart!  :)


Anonymous said...

What a great friend! Yay for getting a project done from start to finish!!

Homeschool on the Croft said...

What a wonderful gift she gave you indeed :)

And how sweet are these photos ... thumb in the mouth - c.u.t.e.
A x

Sally said...

You're welcome! We enjoyed it so much and my kids had a terrific time. Your boys are a treat to keep, they are so well-behaved and such good examples for my children. I wish I could do this more often!
I so, so glad you got Tobin's room finished. I know that's a good feeling and I'm sure he'll enjoy it more now too.

Sally said...

I just took time to watch the videos. You worked hard today! I hope you get some rest tonight. Tobin's room looks great, and I think you have good organizational skills.

Unknown said...

The brown chair looks like a wonderful sleeping spot.