Monday, October 17, 2011

A Messy Table Means...

...a great day of homeschooling.
 So what if it takes a few extra minutes to get ready for lunch because the table has to be cleared off first?
It's worth it, all for the sake of seeing my children learn - and have fun while they're doing it.
Even the inconvenience of having numerous colored pencils inevitably get knocked to the floor by the youngest student in our household... not too big of a bother.  Not when I see how, without any prompting from me, David reached for the colored pencils scattered about and drew this scene, completely on his own.
And I see how Josiah used those colored pencils to add color to this picture that Jeff quickly sketched for him last night.
I'd venture to guess that most homeschooling moms get tired of the mess from time to time.  Maybe we even fantasize occasionally about how clean and orderly our homes could be, if our children went to school somewhere besides in our living room and kitchen!  But even in my most harried I'm-so-tired-of-all-this-junk moments, I know without a doubt that I wouldn't want to trade this homeschooling lifestyle for anything.

Even if I have to wait another 19 years to finally have a "perfect" home!  ;-)


Sally said...

You are so gracious! I love how you put it, and I think your kitchen table looks clean, even with all the school stuff on it! Mine is a Bendaroo station, and I believe it will be for the next 100 years! (Groan!) We have desks out in the "new rooms" that we do the school at, and they get rather cluttered at times.

Unknown said...

The pictures are wonderful. Those pencils created amazing work.

Elizabeth said...

I love the mess! I just had a friend write me with a quote that said, "Boys are God's way of telling us that our house was too clean!" I often think the same 17 years I can organize, and decorate, and clean to my hearts content...and then all I'm going to want is the mess and chaos back again.

Anonymous said...

That looks like a contained mess to me :-) Those are always better then the ones that spread ;-) Love the pictures!

Sara @ Embracing Destiny said...

Yes, I felt a little overwhelmed by the clutter this week, but when I look at the results I know it's worth it! The dollhouse became the "little house on the prairie" for our history and reading time and all the art supplies turned into a great nature study complete with leaf rubbings. I wouldn't trade it either! Just don't knock on my door expecting Better Homes and Gardens anytime soon. ;0)

Valerie said...

My husband and I were just talking about this today. I'm flustered by the homechool stuff everywhere. (mainly because I can't figure out where to put it all in the new house) With 3 in school and only the dining room table for our schooling, the stuff is everywhere. We're dreaming of building a homeschool "shed" out back so we can free up some space in the house. I don't mind school books being out. I don't mind my house not looking picture perfect but it drives me crazy to clear off the table multiple times a day. :/