Sunday, October 23, 2011

Recipe Box - Smoothie 1: The Davene

If I could, I would have a smoothie every day.  At least once a day, maybe more often.  I like them that much.  

There are three main smoothies that we make that I enjoy; and in my head, they are named after people.  The first, shown here, is mine.
In actuality, it's not mine, but came from someone else:  Esther Shank, the wonderful lady who wrote Mennonite Country-Style Recipes & Kitchen Secrets, my all-time favorite cookbook and the only one I took with me when we moved to Israel eight and a half years ago.  These days when I make it, I don't measure anything - just put ingredients into the blender until it's full, knowing that not only I, but others in the family, will enjoy every last drop of this delicious, refreshing smoothie that Esther calls Orange Jubilee.  Here is the recipe as it appears in her book.

1 (6-oz.) can frozen orange juice concentrate
2 cups milk
1 egg (optional) - which I always add...Josiah and David are not fans of eggs, but when it's in a smoothie, they drink it down without even noticing...I'm not concerned about the health hazards connected with raw eggs, especially because we get our eggs from our own chickens...can't be any fresher than that!  :)
1 tsp. vanilla
1/2 cup sugar
12 ice cubes

Combine all ingredients in blender and process on high speed until well mixed.  Serve immediately.  (Great on a hot summer day!)  Or on a fall morning when you can't think of anything else that sounds appetizing for breakfast...or on a Sunday evening when you're still mostly full from a big lunch but need a little something to tide you over...or any other time, for that matter.  ;-)


Sally said...

Oh, this sounds so good! (Except I wouldn't add the egg. I just cannot handle the thought of eating a raw egg, no matter how it's disguised. I can barely bring myself to drink a little eggnog, because I know it has raw egg in it.) I'll have to try it next summer when I'm off my diabetic diet.

Unknown said...

This sounds wonderful! What a great way to sneak in a food that kids might not eat!

Misty said...

Yummm...looks a lot like an Orange Julius ( We used to stop and get them at the mall every year when we went back-to-school clothes shopping :) I'll have to try it sometime!

Anonymous said...

yum!! So I was reading this and your cousin Tim walked by (I'm at work *cought*) and he was like ohh hey that's my cousin's blog!

Valerie said...

Mmm, I think we'll have smoothies for an afternoon snack today. :) I make almost the same recipe. Mine doesn't use egg, and in replace of frozen oj, I use fresh oranges. Delicious. I'm curious to see what other recipes your going to share. I too could eat smoothies every day. Have you ever tried to add spinach to this recipe? yum!