Saturday, October 8, 2011

The Garden Looks Best... early morning light...
 ...when mist lies heavy in the moisture-laden air...and the dew makes the wires of the fence and the tops of weeds sparkle like gems scattered about...and the neighbor's tall sorghum in his field beyond our garden look like so many silent soldiers standing guard in the fog.
All other times of the day show the garden for what it really is:  an absolute mess that needs some serious clean-up before winter.  ;-)  
But the morning - ah, blessed moments! - cloaks even a neglected garden in beauty.

When I gaze out my window at a misty morn like this, I begin to hear a melody in my soul - my favorite Steve Green song.
A perfect accompaniment while appreciating the grandeur of a garden in early light!


Pam said...

That was a delightful song. Definitely a joy inspiring song. I know what you mean about the beauty of the garden especially in the morning dew.

Thank you so much for your comment on my blog and for you prayers. The prayers have kept us strong, and we can feel God's grace with us everyday.

Elizabeth and Winston arrived Last Monday night, and Benjamin arrived last night. The others are all coming later in the week. Yea.
Love and Blessings,

Leah said...

Those misty photos remind me of the setting in which I picture God walking with Adam & Eve in the garden in the cool of the day.

Unknown said...

My flowers look best in the mist too.