Monday, May 2, 2011

WiW #2 - Faithfulness

I often eat my lunch after my boys are settled for afternoon naps and quiet time, and such was the case today.  So as I ate some left-over eggs and chorizo and munched on carrot sticks (and, yes, potato chips, too) and drank my mother's wonderful sweet tea, I opened the January/February issue of Thriving Family magazine and started reading.  Gotta do something fun when you eat alone!  :)

In an article by Larry Fowler, I read this:
Faithfulness, one of the fruits of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22), is a biblical word describing those who keep their promises.  It does not mean "full of faith," but rather "worthy of faith."  Faithfulness says, "I will keep my word.  I will not fail you.  I won't quit on you."  Faithfulness is the glue that keeps our actions adhering to our promises.
I like that!  And I want faithfulness to be demonstrated in how I live, so that I will grow in being a woman who is "worthy of faith."


For more gathered words, visit Barbara H.'s Stray Thoughts.


bekahcubed said...

Wow-that's a neat insight into the word "faithfulness." I, too, yearn that my life might demonstrate that I am "worthy of faith."

Barbara H. said...

I'll have to ponder that one. Faithfulness does seem like a lost commodity too often these days. Love the last sentence especially.