Thursday, May 12, 2011

When Shav Was Born...

...we got the boys a Gator, knowing that having a new special toy (that would occupy them OUTDOORS for long periods of time) would be a win-win situation for everyone involved.  ;-)  One of Jeff's co-workers was getting rid of it, and we got a great deal on it.  It worked out perfectly.

Then I blinked...
 ...and somehow, Shav himself... old enough to ride on the Gator.
A far cry from the tiny helpless newborn we brought home from the hospital on the first day the Gator made tracks in our yard...
 ...he is now almost two years old...
 ...plenty old enough to hitch a ride with his biggest brother (while another brother runs behind, eager for his turn on it).
From the evidence, I'd say Shav enjoyed himself tremendously.  :)

And meanwhile...
...this brother helped me plant the marigolds that he chose for his small portion of our garden.
I hope they survive.  ;-)


Miriam said...

Marigolds are VERY hardy and extremely easy to grow, so they should be fine :)

I am amazed every couple days how fast Susannah is growing up!!

Sarah-Anne said...

love those boys! and David seems so pleased with his planting; hope they grow! :)

Unknown said...

Nearly two! Goodness me -- where di the time go? Your place looks so wonderfully green and lush and 'springy' -- just as we're coming into winter. We do have marigolds, though, still -- by the armful!