Wednesday, May 18, 2011

At the End of the Rainbow

Who knew...
 ...that, at the end of the rainbow...
 ...stands my house!
 I'd rather have it than a pot of gold.  ;-)
This is my childhood home, so from the day my parents brought me home to it from the hospital after my birth until now when I raise my own children in it, this has been the corner of the world where I've laughed and cried, played and learned, grown and loved.  When I left it for college and, four years later, to marry Jeff, I had no idea I would return to it, to build memories here with my own family.

To me, it truly is better than a pot of gold!

For a truly spectacular rainbow picture, click here to see one on my friend Misty's blog.  :)


Unknown said...

What an amazing picture! I am so glad your childhood home has such wonderful memories.

Sarah-Anne said...

rainbows are awesome. that is all... ;)

Misty said...

I can just picture us, both out front with our cameras, taking pictures of the rainbow right at the same time. :) It was really gorgeous!