Sunday, May 8, 2011

I'm Rising Up... call her blessed.  This mother of mine--isn't she something?  Would you like to see her latest antic?
Do you think it's wise for a woman of her age to be acting like such a kid?!?!  ;-)
I love the look of astonishment on Josiah's face in this next picture.  :)
Here she is in action (just to prove that she wasn't just standing on the trampoline for a photo op, but was really and truly jumping).  ;-)
Amazing, I tell ya!  

Besides her willingness to be playful and silly and get on my boys' level, the thing I'm most grateful for, when I think of my mother, is her availability.  It's SUCH a comfort to know that she is right down the hill--and not only her, but my dad, too.  They are so willing to drop what they're doing and give me a hand, if I need one.  They're so gracious about being interrupted!  I don't like interruptions--few of us do--but my parents handle them so beautifully that they make you feel like they're glad to be interrupted because you're the most important thing in the world at that moment.  I want to be like that when I grow up!  

Here's a picture I really like but never posted; this is from some weeks ago when Shav was sick.  He discovered Grandpa's lap was a good place to hang out...

...and the wonderful thing is:  Grandpa's lap was HERE.  Just like Grandma's hands are here to help me wash the supper dishes when I have a huge pile and I just know my energy will run out long before the dishes are Grandpa's car is here, with him in the driver's seat, when I need to take Josiah to choir practice but Shav just threw up and I can't go, but Grandpa can and Grandma's voice is here and ready to read The Three Little Pigs to Tobin after he finishes his supper, never mind the fact that she's read that same book to him every evening for the past week because that's the one he always Grandpa's ear is here and ready to listen on the phone when I call in a panic, saying that Josiah is still at choir and Jeff was supposed to pick him up after work but the Jeep won't start and Jeff can't get to him and could Grandpa please go RIGHT NOW and retrieve Josiah?

Available.  What a beautiful characteristic!  What a beautiful mother (and father!) I have!

Happy Mother's Day, dearest Mother, with all my love!!!


Margie said...

How appropriate for Mother's Day. Happy Mother's Day to you, Davene!

Anonymous said...

I hope I can jump on a trampoline with my grandkids! What a great grandma! Happy Mother's Day!

Sally said...

I don't know how your parents could be improved on. Wow! That's a blessing, and I know you and your family are a blessing to them. I'm so glad your children are growing up right next to their grandparents. I have a lot of memories of my paternal grandparents because we lived next door to them all my home life, even if our relationship was different that yours. It was just really special.

Thanks for this lovely post. I hope to be able to jump on a trampoline and have lots of fun when I'm your mom's age!

Homeschool on the Croft said...

You are truly blessed.... as *they* are to have their precious grandchildren nearby.

I came across photos of my dad on the trampoline too - taken last year! Sooo precious for children to have 'fun' grandparents x