Monday, April 22, 2013

Mr. Available

Nearly three years ago, when my dad retired from his medical practice after 41 years in this location, he told us that he wanted to help with our homeschooling.  And he did.  The first year of his retirement, he took charge of Josiah and David's math and handwriting lessons, and we were grateful for his willing participation in that way!

The next year, we switched up the way that we did some things--including having Josiah use a computer program for math, so during that school year, my dad shifted to being involved in another way: having Tobin go down to my parents' house one morning a week for special time with them while I focused on Josiah and David (and Tobin could do some workbook pages while he was there, which he thought was great fun) and having Shav come down on a different morning each week.  And I was very grateful.

This year, we've changed again.  Tobin and Shav have become MUCH more cooperative and easy to entertain while I'm focusing on the older boys' schooling, so there's no longer such a pressing need for them to have an out-of-the-house diversion during school time.  However, my dad is still very involved in our life and in our home education.  Here's how...

He's become a taxi driver.  :)

When Josiah and David need to be taken to choir, I sometimes call on my dad and he does the drop-off.  When Josiah needs a ride to the barbershop so he can help out there, Dad is often the one to take him.  It is incredibly helpful!!

But that's not the only way Dad participates.

He's also a helpful baby sitter, especially when Moriah is in bed for her afternoon nap and I need to leave to take, for example, Josiah to a group violin class.  It makes life so much easier to be able to let Moriah get the sleep she needs (which is easiest in her own crib!), even when I can't stay at home.

The thing I appreciate the most about all of this is how available Dad is.  Whenever I call and ask him if he can help in one of these ways, he never sighs and says, "Well, I was just going to watch a ball game, but I guess I can do it," or "I just don't feel like driving into town today; you'll have to do it yourself," or anything like that.  He always answers cheerfully as he readily agrees to help.  It is a true blessing!

I was talking to my sister a few weeks ago, after she had hurt her knee pretty severely; and she was telling me how Dad went to the doctor's office with her, in case she wasn't able to drive home after her treatment there.  "Dad makes himself so available," she said, "and I really appreciate that!"

I know exactly what she means.  :)

The pictures below are from earlier this afternoon as Josiah and David ran down the hill to catch a ride with Grandpa to choir.  
 Watching a boy or two run down the hill like this and then seeing Grandpa's car pull onto the road with precious passengers inside has been a familiar sight to me this year.  :)
 I am truly thankful for my Mr. Available!!  :)


Unknown said...

What a gift! Having an involved family is wonderful.

The Coderlambian said...

That is indeed a blessing!

Patti said...

This is beautiful. What a model of cheerful servanthood their grandfather exhibits. I just hope my "golden years" are as well spent.

Dolores said...

What a sweet post about your wonderful dad!! You are truly blessed and I'm sure your dad feels blessed to be a part of your families life.