Sunday, April 7, 2013

Better Late than Never, Eh, Spring?

Each year, the blooming of the crocuses is met with great rejoicing since they are one of the earliest signs of spring, the most welcome of seasons.  I haven't documented the occasion every year on my blog; but a quick search shows me that in 2007, I posted the first crocus picture on March 2010, it was on March 2011, it came on March 8, nice and early...and in 2012, it was March 16.

Do you notice what all of those dates have in common?  That's right, they're all in MARCH!  Have you noticed what month we're in now?  Oh yeah, we're in APRIL.  But F-I-N-A-L-L-Y the crocuses bloomed this year.  And I rejoiced.  :)
 Granted, these crocuses happen to reside in a flowerbed on the north side of the house, so that could account for a slight delay in their blooming.  But still!
 You've taken your own sweet time getting here this year, haven't you, Spring?
Now that you're here, stick around for a while, won't you?  We surely are fond of you, lovely Springtime!  :)

1 comment:

Margie said...

Love your pictures of crocuses, especially since we don't have them here!