Sunday, April 14, 2013

Breathing Again

I think I've mentioned a time or two about the recitals I was accompanying this weekend, right?


They're over.

They were great!

I can now breathe again.  :)

As I was playing some of the more challenging pieces, I literally found myself holding my breath, and I had to consciously remind myself to breathe--a little strange, but true.  But now that the recitals are finished, I can breathe freely once more--not just literally, but also figuratively as I enjoy having more roominess in my schedule.  I can also turn my attention back to the tasks of regular life; laundry comes to mind as something quite high on the list of priorities for this week.  You should see the amount of dirty clothes we have...whew!  ;-)

At some point during the recital today in which both Josiah and David played, I kicked myself a little as I thought, "It sure would have been nice to have some pictures from today.  It sure would have been nice to have a little video.  I wish I would have remembered to ask Jeff about that.  Oh, well...too late now."

Tonight I found out that Jeff DID take some pictures and even a short video; he knows me well and could surmise that I would want that.  :)  The pictures and video are from his cell phone, so the quality is not high at all, but--in my opinion--it's so much better than nothing.  :)

Josiah playing "Minuet" by Boccherini, the last piece in Suzuki Book 2:
David playing "Minuet One" by Bach, which is in the latter part of Suzuki Book 1:
The video is not of my boys, but it is me accompanying another boy, Ari, who is quite young and QUITE good.  Sadly this video does not do justice to his playing at all.  He is extremely talented in both violin and piano, and it's a joy to watch him progress (so quickly!) in the field of music.
I really enjoyed this weekend and the chance to make music a priority in my schedule for once.  However, to tell you the truth, I'm heaving a great big sigh of relief that it's over.

It's really nice to breathe again.  ;-)


Amanda said...

I know the feeling well Davene :)

Unknown said...

It looks like the both enjoyed performing.