Thursday, April 25, 2013

Books I'd Want If I Were on a Deserted Island

If I were somehow, for some strange reason, suddenly stranded on a deserted island, what books would I most like to have with me?

Of course, my #1 answer would be the Bible.  Since it is the very words of God, and since it contains something to apply to ANY situation, if I could only have one book, there's no question that I would want it to be this.

However, if I could also have something from the Devotional category, I think I would choose Grace Notes by Philip Yancey.  It's a tough call though, because I also really like My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers.  Both of these books have such depth to them and would provide an abundance of spiritual meat to chew on during my time on the island.  But if I had to choose just one devotional, I'd go with this one.

If, in addition to the Bible and a devotional, I could also select a book from the Fiction category, there's no question about it: it would be The Source by James Michener.  Not only is it entertaining (good for passing the time there on my island), it also gives much food for thought.  Yes, that would be an excellent choice.

If I were so fortunate as to be able to select a children's book to add to my pile, I would undoubtedly choose The Last Battle by C.S. Lewis.  I've often thought I'd like to read that book again right before I die, because the ideas about heaven that it presents make my spirit soar, so since there's a pretty good chance I'd die on that island, this would definitely be the right book to have.

But what if I could add another book to my collection--this time, a book of poetry?  I would surely choose this one, A Treasury of the World's Best Loved Poems.  Not only does it contain so many favorite poems, it also is rich with sentimental value because in the front, in my mother's lovely handwriting, is written an inscription that tells that my dad purchased it for my mom at a certain bookstore on the Outer Banks of North Carolina.  Every time we went to Cape Hatteras for vacation, we would stop at that store; and the summer I was 8, Dad bought this and gave it to Mom.  Sweet memories!

Here then is my stack: the books I would most want to have if I were stranded on an island.

But wait!  I forgot a category!  What about Non-Fiction?

Oh, that's easy!  If I could choose a non-fiction book to have, it would be How to Be Rescued from a Deserted Island in 30 Days or Less, and it would include chapters like "Constructing a Working Cellphone from Sand, Seashells, and Palm Fronds" and "Yes, You CAN Make Ice Cream from Sea Water and Fish Bones."

No doubt about it, that would be the perfect book in such a time of need!!  ;-)


Unknown said...

These are all wonderful. What a great selection.

The Coderlambian said...

Very fun selection!
Chronicles of Narnia are a read-aloud family favorite at our house! ..and the statement by Lucy in 'The Last Battle'- "In our world too, a stable once had something inside it that was bigger than our whole world." is a frequently referred to quote.

bekahcubed said...

I *love* your last selection.

We played a newlywed style game at one of my bridal showers where my sisters asked Daniel questions in advance and then asked me the same questions at the shower to see how close we got. One was "if Daniel was stranded on a desert island, what two things would he want with him." My answer (I think) was that he'd want me and a smart phone with internet access. Daniel's actual prewritten response was something like a knife and a blanket. He got heckled a bit by the crowd for NOT saying me, but he explained that a) I was not a "thing" and b) my second suggestion was clearly cheating. I thought it was just being resourceful.

Sally said...

This is making me wish I took more time to read. While I love to read, I am a "doer" and I love to do things and I'm finding I thrive on the feeling of accomplishment. Someday I'll have more balance in my life!