Tuesday, May 29, 2012

What's Going On

Things are a little busy around here these days.  Besides the normal feeling of life being full almost to overflowing because it hasn't even been two months since we added a baby to the family, I've also been tackling a huge annual project.  But here.  I'll let my Facebook status that I posted a little bit ago speak for itself...  ;-)

A little homeschool planning is a dangerous thing. I've been trying to finish the project of cleaning out our homeschool closet, reminding myself of what materials we have and what we need, and wrapping up preliminary plans for the coming school year...all before we go to the homeschool convention that's coming up soon. But tonight, after consultation with the principal of our school (uh, that would be Jeff) ;-), I decided to basically ditch all the plans I had made for this coming year and TOTALLY change direction. And you know what? I'm THRILLED. Before this, I was basically trying in vain to drum up enthusiasm for the coming year. And now? I'm so, so, SO excited! I can hardly wait to start! :)

So there you have it.  That's what has kept me from the computer today, that's what's been on my mind, that's why my blog posts have been short, and that's what is putting a smile on my face tonight.  

Thinking about this boy...

...and his brothers and all the fun we're going to have and memories we're going to make this coming year is also a good reason to smile.

I'm grinning like a fool.  ;-)


Anonymous said...

okay spill the beans.. what are the new plans?? Love that picture of Tobin :-)

Davene Grace said...

Sonlight!!! :)

I LOVE Sonlight curriculum...I could write a whole post about this. :)

But right now I've got a hungry baby calling, so I've got to run.

But I'm so, so, SO happy! :)

Valerie said...

I love it when I'm excited about our curriculum! :) We had to change gears this year too... though we aren't 100% sure what they are being changed to. :)

Glad you are excited! It makes a huge difference in how the year plays out.