Saturday, May 26, 2012

Hands-On Love

I used to wonder how children in a large family ever got enough time and attention and TLC and love.
 As my own family grows, I'm learning that I needn't have worried about that.
 In fact, I had things a little backwards.
 Children in a large family have even more people to love and adore them, to give them all the time and attention and cuddles and hands-on love that they need.
Maybe it's children in small families that we should worry about!  ;-)  
(Lest anyone be offended, please rest assured that I'm only teasing.  I fully believe that children can thrive in small families and in large; families are not a one-size-fits-all kind of thing.  God constructs so many different shapes and sizes and varieties of families!)

David is such a hands-on kind of boy that it's no wonder that he's the one to most often ask to hold Moriah...and that he's the one who comes over to her multiple times a day and gives her kisses (always seven kisses, because that's how old he is)...and that he's the one to make up a funny little act with her.
It started when he saw her one day in the guitar-playing position that she automatically winds up in sometimes - her left arm outstretched and her right arm bent as if to strum the strings.  He started making her arm move in a guitar-playing motion, and then he added the "I'm a rock star, and I love God" words, and it grew from there. 

In case you can't understand the lyrics of David's song, here they are.  ;-)
I'm a rock star, and I love God,
And I think it's time to praise God.
Yeah!  Yeah!
Now it's time to pray.
I thank You, God, for this day.
Thank You, God!  Thank You, God!
I thank You, God, for this day.

Sweet boy.  

Sweet girl.

Such sweetness is honey to my soul.  :)


Valerie said...

Oh my goodness, Davene! That video melted my heart. Such sweetness. :)

Margie said...

I just love this.

Heart of Wisdom Academy said...

So sweet!! It's true. The fifth baby at our house is the most "spoiled". With so much "love" he never has to cry, he is always immediately picked up, he is given whatever he wants. Yes all this extra love has given him an entitlement attitude :-) But it's so sweet to see how attentive and nurturing the older ones are with the little ones, especially the boys.