Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Soaking up the Snuggles

Tomorrow is the day that Jeff's mom flies back to California after spending four weeks with us.  We have been incredibly blessed by her presence with us.  She's kept the household running by serving us in the area of fixing meals, doing dishes, washing clothes, playing with the boys so I can get extra sleep, etc.  In many ways, it's been like a vacation for each of us; and we've all got an adjustment coming up as we get accustomed to the new normal as a family of seven.  Grandma Fisher arrived just 9 days after Moriah was born, while we were still in the very initial stages of that adjustment.  Now, a month later, life with Moriah has settled down considerably; but still, it will probably take a little time for us to get used to life with Moriah and without Grandma Fisher. We will miss her!

While she's still here though, there's time to soak up snuggles, and Moriah is good at that.  As a matter of fact, she happens to love Grandma Fisher's shoulder.  I know this because every time Grandma holds her, Moriah gets so comfortable that she falls fast asleep.  If Moriah is a little fussy, I just hand her off to Grandma!  Works like a charm every time.  ;-)

In these pictures, I just happened to catch Moriah before she fell asleep.  :)
After I took these pictures and downloaded them, I realized that they are remarkably similar to the ones of Moriah with her other grandma (I posted them here).  That wasn't intentional on my part, but I guess both grandmas love to sit in this rocking chair and hold Moriah on their left shoulder.  :)
By the time Grandma Fisher comes again, Moriah will have grown and changed so much!  I'm glad we'll have these pictures to remind us of these special snuggles.  :)

1 comment:

Miriam said...

What special memories captured in pictures!! Moriah is so cute!!!