Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The Three-Week Report

I'm a little scatter-brained tonight because I have a sick child.  Tobin started throwing up shortly before bedtime this evening--poor guy.  Between cleaning up a huge mess, fixing a mat on the floor for him to sleep on (he usually sleeps on a top bunk, which is not a good idea when sick with a stomach bug!), soothing him as best I can, bringing him a tissue at his cry of "Mom, I have throw-up in my nose!", giving him a bath after he threw up yet again, etc., I haven't had a whole lot of time for much else.  I keep sitting down to write this post, then being interrupted.  And of course, Tobin's needs come first.

However, I wanted to do two things in this post tonight.  First, share some more photos taken by Emily Sacra recently.  And second, give a brief "this is Moriah at three weeks of age" update.  So, the pictures...  :)

Some time ago, Valerie had emailed me a link to a picture of a baby in a basket in a field with a bunch of balloons; and she asked me to take that kind of photo after Moriah was born.  She's not pushy or anything, just helpful in her suggestions.  ;-)  Well, one day last week, I tried to take such a picture, but I didn't really have a field--just our yard--and the balloons weren't right.  Most importantly, neither was the light.  It did NOT turn out anything like I wanted it to.  What to do?  Oh, I know!  Ask Emily!  :)

When I showed her the picture and asked if she was interested, she was gracious in her response and quick to agree.  Hooray!  We got together last Friday in "her" field and had a really fun, short photo shoot.  Most importantly, we got THE balloon picture and--no surprise--hers turned out so much better than the one I tried to take in my yard.  :)
Josiah came along with us and helped us carry everything.  In addition, he went ahead of us as we were marching up the hill; he was our lookout for snakes and other dangers. ;-)
Emily had some other ideas for pictures, too; and I didn't protest.  ;-)  I always enjoy getting a peek into her creative mind.

The last spot she suggested for pictures turned out to be my favorite.  The colors and light made it very appealing.

Thanks SO much, Emily, for once again blessing me--and Moriah!--with your skill!!  :)  (More pictures from this shoot are on her blog.)

Now, what shall I say about my three-week-old Moriah?  :)

First, I'll record here that when I took her down to my dad's house last evening to have him weigh her on his antique baby scale, she was nine pounds, so she gained a whole pound in the last two weeks.  I've noticed that she's already outgrowing some of her newborn clothes, which pulls on my sentimental heart strings a little bit.  Not that I want her to stop growing!

She continues to be an easy-going little girl--a true delight to me and to all of us in the family, I believe.  Her fussing, when it happens, is mild; and she has never been inconsolable.  I'll admit that before she was born, I wondered if this time, this baby might be colicky and difficult.  Since I've never had a baby like that, I thought maybe it was my turn and I was due one.  But so far at least, Moriah is not that way at all, to my great relief!

Speaking of the little sweetheart, I hear her beginning to squirm around in her crib and make her little grunts. I think someone is getting hungry.  It's a joy to feed her and cuddle her and care for her needs; it really is.  I just hope Tobin doesn't throw up again and need me right when Moriah does!!  :)


Unknown said...

I love your new header! What wonderful pictures! I know I say that all the time, but it is true. You do have wonderful pictures on your blog.

Miriam said...

Oh, I am sorry about Tobin's upset stomach!! I hope it is short-lived and that no one else gets it.

I love Emily's pictures of you and Moriah!! I have been tempted to load up and drive to the Valley and get her to take some of us. Maybe one day we will, she does excellent work!!

It sounds like Moriah is such a wonderful little girl, and growing well. Good job, Mama!! :)

Valerie said...

Oh, poor Tobin. I hope he feels better soon... and that no one else gets it!

The balloon pictures turned out great! So sweet. I'm glad you thought the picture I sent was worth trying to recapture. :)

Anonymous said...

ohh Emily ohh so talented!!! Love how this turned out!

Homeschool on the Croft said...

Poor Tobin... and poor you :( I feel sick just thinking of it - I am a rubbish mum if any of my kids are sick....

As for the photos, Davene ... wow! They are amazing.. What a talented lady Emily is